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VWR® Advanced Heavy-Duty Vortex Mixer

公司名称: VWR
产品编号: Advanced Heavy-Duty Vortex Mixer
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Conjugation Assay for Testing CRISPR-Cas Anti-plasmid Immunity in Staphylococci
[Abstract]  CRISPR-Cas is a prokaryotic adaptive immune system that prevents uptake of mobile genetic elements such as bacteriophages and plasmids. Plasmid transfer between bacteria is of particular clinical concern due to increasing amounts of antibiotic resistant pathogens found in humans as a result of transfer of resistance plasmids within and between species. Testing the ability of CRISPR-Cas systems to block plasmid transfer in various conditions or with CRISPR-Cas mutants provides key insights into the functionality and mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas as well as how antibiotic resistance spreads within ... [摘要]  CRISPR-Cas是一种原核适应性免疫系统,可防止移植遗传因子如噬菌体和质粒的摄取。细菌之间的质粒转移是特别临床关注的,因为由于在物种内和物种之间转移抗性质粒而在人体中发现的抗生素抗性病原体的量增加。测试CRISPR-Cas系统在各种条件下或使用CRISPR-Cas突变体阻断质粒转移的能力,为CRISPR-Cas的功能和机制以及抗菌素抗性如何在细菌群落中传播提供了重要的见解。在这里,我们描述了一种量化CRISPR-Cas对通过共轭进行质粒转移效率的影响的方法。虽然这种方法在葡萄球菌属物种中呈现,但它可以更广泛地用于任何共轭原核生物。

背景 CRISPR-Cas(聚集的,定期间隔的,短的回文重复CRISPR相关联)是几乎90%的测序古菌和约40%的细菌中发现的原核适应性免疫系统(Makarova等人,2015) )。这些系统以序列特异性方式识别和破坏核酸侵入体(van der Oost等人,2014)。 CRISPR基因座通常包含短的DNA重复序列(长度为约35个核苷酸),其通过称为间隔区的等短的唯一序列分开,其通常来自移动遗传元件。重复序列和间隔区被转录并处理成小的CRISPR RNA(crRNA),每个指定单个靶标。 ...
