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Ethyl alcohol, 190 proof, ACS-USP grade

产品编号: 111000190
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Aldicarb-induced Paralysis Assay to Determine Defects in Synaptic Transmission in Caenorhabditis elegans
[Abstract]  Aldicarb treatment causes an accumulation of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft of the neuromuscular junction, resulting in sustained muscle activation and eventually paralysis. Aldicarb-induced paralysis assay is an easy and fast method to determine whether synaptic transmission of a C. elegans mutant of interest is altered. This assay is based on the correlation of the rate of neurotransmitter release with the rate of paralysis. In this protocol, we describe a method for simultaneously assessing the aldicarb sensitivity of animals with different genotypes. [摘要]  涕灭威的治疗导致神经肌肉接头突触裂缝中的乙酰胆碱积聚,导致持续的肌肉活化并最终导致麻痹。 涕灭威诱导的麻痹测定是确定是否突触传播的一种简单且快速的方法。 线虫兴趣突变体被改变。 该测定是基于神经递质释放速率与麻痹率的相关性。 在该方案中,我们描述了同时评估具有不同基因型的动物的涕灭威敏感性的方法。
【背景】突触传递通过动作电位到达突触前末端而开始,这又导致神经递质的释放。释放的神经递质结合并激活突触后受体(Sudhof,2013)。 ℃。线虫运动由乙酰胆碱释放兴奋性运动神经元和GABA(γ-氨基丁酸)释放抑制运动神经元控制(Richmond和Jorgensen,1999; ...

The Repeated Flurothyl Seizure Model in Mice
[Abstract]  Development of spontaneous seizures is the hallmark of human epilepsy. There is a critical need for new epilepsy models in order to elucidate mechanisms responsible for leading to the development of spontaneous seizures and for testing new anti-epileptic compounds. Moreover, rodent models of epilepsy have clearly demonstrated that there are two independent seizure systems in the brain: 1) the forebrain seizure network required for the expression of clonic seizures mediated by forebrain neurocircuitry, and 2) the brainstem seizure network necessary for the expression of brainstem or tonic ... [摘要]  自发性发作的发展是人类癫痫的标志。为了阐明导致自发性发作发展的机制和用于测试新的抗癫痫化合物,新的癫痫模型是至关重要的。此外,癫痫的啮齿动物模型已经清楚地表明脑中有两个独立的发作系统:1)前脑神经电路介导的阵挛性发作所需的前脑发作网络,以及2)脑干发作网络脑干神经电路介导的脑干或强直性癫痫发作。在癫痫天真动物中,这两个系统是分开的,但是可以探索前脑和脑干癫痫发作系统的交叉点或用于阐明负责将这两个癫痫发作系统结合在一起的发展模型可能有助于我们理解:1)癫痫发作是如何变得更加复杂的加班,以及2)由于许多心肺系统局限在脑干中,因为将癫痫发作从前脑癫痫发作系统扩散到脑干癫痫发作系统,可能在SUDEP中起重要作用,癫痫突发意外死亡(SUDEP)。如这里所述,癫痫发生的重复荧光癫痫模型可能有助于提供对这些重要的癫痫问题的了解,以及了解自发性发作如何发展。

背景 癫痫是由无端自发性癫痫发作定义的复杂多因素疾病。大约三分之二的癫痫患者成功地用抗惊厥药物治疗方案治疗,其余三分之一的人仍然发现癫痫发作(Kwan and Brodie,2000; Lindsten等人,2001; Kwan et al。 al。,2010; Loscher等人,2013; ...
