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LIVE/DEADTM Fixable Near-IR Dead Cell Stain Kit, for 633 or 635 nm excitation

公司名称: Thermo Fisher Scientific
产品编号: L10119
Other protocol()

Identification and Quantitation of Leukocyte Populations in Human Kidney Tissue by Multi-parameter Flow Cytometry
[Abstract]  Inflammatory immune cells play direct pathological roles in cases of acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, the identification and characterization of distinct populations of leukocytes in human kidney biopsies have been confounded by the limitations of immunohistochemical (IHC)-based techniques used to detect them. This methodology is not amenable to the combinations of multiple markers necessary to unequivocally define discrete immune cell populations. We have developed a multi-parameter, flow cytometric-based approach that addresses the need for panels of ... [摘要]  炎症性免疫细胞在急性肾损伤(AKI)和慢性肾病(CKD)的病例中发挥直接的病理作用。然而,人肾活组织检查中不同白细胞群的鉴定和表征已被用于检测它们的基于免疫组织化学(IHC)的技术的局限性所混淆。该方法不适用于明确定义离散免疫细胞群所必需的多种标志物的组合。我们开发了一种多参数,基于流式细胞仪的方法,解决了在鉴定免疫细胞群体时需要细胞特异性标记组,从而允许从单个临床肾活检标本中准确检测和定量白细胞亚群。在该方法中,将新鲜的人肾组织解离成单细胞悬浮液,然后进行抗体标记和基于流式细胞术的采集和分析。这种新技术为鉴定和计数人类肾脏疾病中的免疫细胞亚群提供了重大进步,并且是补充临床肾脏活组织检查的传统组织病理学检查的有力平台。

【背景】 肾脏疾病的发病率和患病率正在上升,给全世界的医疗保健社区带来了沉重的负担,并显着影响了患者的生活质量(世界肾脏日:慢性肾病,2015年)。肾脏损害可能由多种损伤引起,包括感染,缺血,毒素,高血压,遗传和代谢紊乱(Imig和Ryan,2013)。对功能性损伤的即时反应是急性肾损伤(AKI),这是一种临床综合征,其特征在于生理上通过肾功能的快速(数小时至数天)降低和组织形态学上通过炎性免疫细胞浸润到肾小管中,组织隔室邻接小管。肾脏(Basile ...

Analysing Temporal Dynamics of T Cell Division in vivo Using Ki67 and BrdU Co-labelling by Flow Cytometry
[Abstract]  This protocol was developed to increase the richness of information available from in vivo T cell proliferation studies. DNA labelling techniques such as BrdU incorporation allow precise control of label administration and withdrawal, so that the division history of a population can be tracked in detail over long timeframes (days-weeks). Ki67 is expressed in the nucleus of dividing cells, and is retained for a short time (3-4 days) after division (Gossel et al., 2017); therefore acting as a molecular clock to identify cells that have recently divided. Combining these two ... [摘要]  该协议的开发是为了增加从体内T细胞增殖研究中获得的信息的丰富性。 诸如BrdU掺入的DNA标记技术允许精确控制标记施用和撤回,从而可以在很长时间段(日 - 周)内详细地追踪群体的分裂历史。 Ki67在分裂细胞的细胞核中表达,并在分裂后短时间(3-4天)保留(Gossel等人,2017)。 因此充当分子时钟来识别最近分裂的细胞。 将这两种技术结合起来就可以整合来自个体细胞的当前和历史扩散信息。 这个数据随后可以用来通过拟合增殖的数学模型来探测种群动态(Gossel et al。,2017)。

【背景】量化T细胞死亡和分裂的动力学是一个重大的实验和计算挑战,但是这个信息对于我们理解一个健康的免疫系统如何发展和维持至关重要。 T细胞群体动态的体内分析有多种技术,但数据的解释是复杂的,结果可能是模型依赖的(Asquith et al。2002 ; De Boer和Perelson,2013)。许多这些分析基于流式细胞仪读数,通过利用多参数分析的潜力提供获得新颖见解的机会。 BrdU吸收与Ki67表达一起的分析结合是特别有用的,因为每个代表细胞分裂的独特参数。 BrdU是掺入分裂细胞DNA中的胸苷类似物,因此永久标记在标记期间已分裂的细胞(Tough和Sprent,1994; ...

Isolation and Analysis of Stromal Cell Populations from Mouse Lymph Nodes
[Abstract]  Our protocol describes a simple procedure for isolating stromal cells from lymph nodes (LN). LN are disrupted then enzymatically digested with collagenase and dispase to produce a single cell suspension that can be stained with fluorescently labelled antibodies and analysed by flow cytometry. This protocol will enable identification of fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC), lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC), blood endothelial cells (BEC) as PNAd+ BEC that form LN high endothelial venules (HEV). This method can be applied to examine LN stromal cell responses during inflammatory events ... [摘要]  我们的方案描述了从淋巴结(LN)分离基质细胞的简单过程。 LN被破坏,然后用胶原酶和分散酶酶消化以产生可以用荧光标记的抗体染色的单细胞悬浮液并通过流式细胞术分析。 该方案能够识别形成LN高内皮小静脉(HEV)的PNAd + BEC的成纤维细胞网状细胞(FRC),淋巴内皮细胞(LEC),血液内皮细胞(BEC)。 该方法可以用于检测由感染或免疫佐剂诱导的炎症事件期间的LN基质细胞反应,并且在LN中发现大多数白细胞。
