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Axio Imager 2


公司名称: ZEISS
产品编号: Axio Imager 2
Other protocol()

Registration and Alignment Between in vivo Functional and Cytoarchitectonic Maps of Mouse Visual Cortex
[Abstract]  This protocol describes a method for registration of in vivo cortical retinotopic map with cytochrome c oxidase (CO) labeled architectonic maps of the same mouse brain through the alignment of vascular fiducials. By recording surface blood vessel pattern and sequential alignment at each step, this method overcomes the challenge imposed by tissue distortion during perfusion, mounting, sectioning and histology procedures. This method can also be generalized to register and align other types of in vivo functional maps like ocular dominance map and spatial/temporal frequency ... [摘要]  该协议描述了通过血管基准点的对齐使用细胞色素c氧化酶(CO)标记的相同小鼠脑的构建图来注册体内皮质视网膜地图的方法。 通过记录每个步骤的表面血管图案和顺序对准,该方法克服了在灌注,贴壁,切片和组织学程序期间由组织变形所施加的挑战。 这种方法也可以推广到注册和对齐其他类型的体内功能地图,如眼优势地图和空间/时间频率调整地图与小鼠皮层的各种解剖图。

【背景】通过体内视网膜映射(Marshel等人,2011; Garrett等人,),可以将小鼠视觉皮层分隔成功能上不同的视觉区域。 (Olavarria and Montero,1989; Wang and Burkhalter,2007),或者通过建筑结构辅助的神经元追踪技术,这些不同的视觉区域具有不同的响应特性和皮质皮质连接(Andermann等人,2011; Marshel等人,2011; Roth等人, >,2012; Wang等人,2011和2012)。这些结果表明,鼠标视觉区域形成处理不同类型的视觉信息的分离的视觉流(Murakami等人,2017; Smith等人,2017)。在视觉区域地图的背景下研究鼠标视觉系统对于理解视觉皮层的组织是至关重要的。然而,虽然功能图和结构图大致相似,但是这两幅图显示的并不完美(Zhuang et ...

Large-scale Maize Seedling Infection with Exserohilum turcicum in the Greenhouse
[Abstract]  Northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) is a serious foliar disease of maize (Zea mays) worldwide and breeding for resistance is of primary importance for maize crop protection. Phenotyping for NCLB resistance is well established in the field, but such experiments depend on suitable environmental conditions and are seasonal. Here we describe a greenhouse seedling approach that is suitable for testing thousands of seedling plants in a single experiment with a duration of 37 days. Three scoring methods were used to quantify the disease severity: the area under the disease progress curve ... [摘要]  北方玉米叶枯病(NCLB)是世界范围内严重的玉米叶片病(Zea mays),对抗玉米作物保护最为重要。 NCLB抗性的表型在该领域已经确立,但是这种实验取决于合适的环境条件并且是季节性的。在这里,我们描述了一种温室幼苗方法,适用于在单次实验中测试数千株幼苗,持续时间为37天。使用三种评分方法来定量疾病严重程度:疾病进展曲线(AUDPC)下的面积,接种后16天接种的叶的主要病叶面积(16dpi的PrimDLA)和潜伏期(IP),被确定为从接种到症状外观的天数。通过测试多样化的玉米基因型,观察到三种不同方法之间的高度相关性(81.9%至94.1%),表明每种评分方法可用于疾病定量。因此,开发的幼苗测定作为在温室条件下表型NCLB抗病性的相对简单且高通量的方法。
【背景】北方玉米叶枯病(NCLB)是全球威胁到玉米生产的无处不在的叶枯病(Welz和Geiger,2000)。该疾病是由有利于高湿度和凉爽的温度环境的半抗生物真菌(Exserohilum turcicum)((Setosphaeria turcica ...
