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Potassium phosphate monobasic

公司名称: Thermo Fisher Scientific
产品编号: P285
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Transient Gene Expression for the Characteristic Signal Sequences and the Estimation of the Localization of Target Protein in Plant Cell
[Abstract]  We have proposed and tested a method for characterization of the signal sequences and determinations of target protein localization in a plant cell. This method, called the AgI-PrI, implies extraction of protoplasts from plant tissues after agroinfiltration. The suggested approach combines the advantages of two widely used methods for transient gene expression in plants–agroinfiltration and transfection of isolated protoplasts. The AgI-PrI technic can be applied to other plant species. [摘要]  我们已经提出并测试了用于表征信号序列和确定植物细胞中目标蛋白质定位的方法。 这种称为AgI-PrI的方法意味着在农杆菌浸润后从植物组织中提取原生质体。 所提出的方法结合了两种广泛使用的用于植物中瞬时基因表达的方法的优点 - 农杆菌浸润和转分离的原生质体。 AgI-PrI技术可应用于其他植物物种。


Measurement of Lysosomal Size and Lysosomal Marker Intensities in Adult Caenorhabditis elegans
[Abstract]  Assays have been developed to study trafficking in various tissues of Caenorhabditis elegans. Adult C. elegans intestinal cells are large and have extensive endocytic networks, thus making them a good system for deciphering the endocytic pathway using live imaging techniques. However, the presence of auto-fluorescent gut granules in adult intestine can interfere with the signals of endocytic compartment reporters, like GFP. Here we demonstrate a protocol adapted from the original method developed by the Grant laboratory to identify signals from reporters in adult intestinal ... [摘要]  已经开发了用于研究线虫的各种组织中的贩运的测定法。 成人 C。 线虫肠细胞很大,具有广泛的内吞网络,因此使它们成为使用实时成像技术破译内吞途径的良好系统。 然而,成年肠道中存在自身荧光的肠道颗粒会干扰吞噬细胞记者的信号,如GFP。 在这里,我们展示了一个协议,从格兰特实验室开发的原始方法改编,以确定记者在成人肠细胞的信号。 该方案的目标是识别标记有荧光标记物的内吞室,而在秀丽隐杆线虫成虫肠细胞中没有背景自发荧光消化道颗粒的混杂效应。

【背景】秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)是一种多细胞生物,已被用于研究内吞运输。最初开发了用于研究内吞的试验。线虫卵母细胞,胚胎和体细胞(清道夫细胞)。简而言之,卵母细胞和胚胎中的测定通过在逗号至1.5倍发育阶段测量肠隔室中含有蛋黄 - 蛋白 - 绿色荧光蛋白报道分子(VIT-2 :: GFP)的区室的强度和大小来进行Grant和Hirsh,1999; Schaheen等人,2006a)。在成年人中,在转基因成虫的体细胞中测量了含有GFP的隔室的强度和大小(从体壁肌细胞分泌进入囊泡并由体细胞胞吞)。表达肌肉myo-3 :: ...

Preparation of Precisely Oriented Cryosections of Undistorted Drosophila Wing Imaginal Discs for High Resolution Confocal Imaging
[Abstract]  The combination of immunofluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSM) is essential to high-resolution detection of molecular distribution in biological specimens. A frequent limitation is the need to image deep inside a tissue or in a specific plane, which may be inaccessible due to tissue size or shape. Recreating high-resolution 3D images is not possible because the point-spread function of light reduces the resolution in the Z-axis about 3-fold, compared to XY, and light scattering obscures signal deep in the tissue. However, the XY plane of interest can be chosen if embedded ... [摘要]  免疫荧光和激光扫描共聚焦显微镜(LSM)的组合是高分辨率检测生物样品中分子分布的关键。频繁的限制是需要在组织内或在特定的平面深处进行成像,这可能由于组织大小或形状而不可接近。因为与XY相比,光的点扩散函数将Z轴的分辨率降低了约3倍,并且光散射使组织中的深层信号模糊,所以不可能重新创建高分辨率3D图像。然而,如果嵌入的样品在成像之前被精确地定向和切片,则可以选择感兴趣的XY平面(图1)。在这里,我们描述的果蝇翅成像光盘的冰冻组织切片的准备,这使得我们能够获得高分辨率的图像,在整个这个折叠上皮的深度。

图1.上皮结构和未畸变的折叠模式在发育果蝇翅膀的这个冰冻部分的整个深度中都被揭示出来。通过机翼囊横向背腹节。 A.冷冻切片显示贯穿上皮深度的信号的α-连环蛋白(A',A“,洋红色)的细胞核(A,绿色)和亚细胞分布。基底表面清晰可辨(箭头)。 A是“A的数字增强图像”。 B.在显示为XZ正交视图的自顶向下视图中收集的图像的Z-堆叠揭示了α-连环蛋白(B',B“)甚至数字增强图像(B”)的细胞核(B)但很少可辨别的细节。未能揭示基底上皮表面(箭头)。 ...
