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B-27 Supplement (50X), serum free

公司名称: B-27 Supplement (50X), serum free
产品编号: 17504044
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Investigating Neural Stem Cell and Glioma Stem Cell Self-renewal Potential Using Extreme Limiting Dilution Analysis (ELDA)
[Abstract]  Glioma stem cells (GSC) grown as neurospheres exhibit similar characteristics to neural stem cells (NSC) grown as neurospheres, including the ability to self-renew and differentiate. GSCs are thought to play a role in cancer initiation and progression. Self-renewal potential of GSCs is thought to reflect many characteristics associated with malignancy, including tumor recurrence following cytotoxic therapy due to their proliferative dormancy and capacity to allow for the development of resistant tumor cell sub-clones due to mutations acquired during their differentiation. Here, we demonstrate ... [摘要]  作为神经球生长的神经胶质干细胞(GSC)表现出与作为神经球生长的神经干细胞(NSC)相似的特征,包括自我更新和分化的能力。 GSC被认为在癌症的发生和发展中起作用。 GSC的自我更新潜力被认为反映了与恶性肿瘤相关的许多特征,包括细胞毒性治疗后的肿瘤复发,这是由于它们的增殖性休眠和由于在其分化期间获得的突变而允许产生抗性肿瘤细胞亚克隆的能力。在这里,我们证明使用极限稀释分析(ELDA),可以测量PI3K-突变致癌NSCs和非致癌NSCs之间的球形成潜力频率的细微差异体外。我们进一步展示了ELDA如何在强制分化之前和之后用于细胞,以放大突变体和对照NSCs之间的球形成潜力的固有差异。最终,ELDA利用单个或少数种子干细胞自我更新,分裂和形成神经球的能力差异。重要的是,该测定还允许在不同条件下在遗传上不同的细胞之间或相同细胞之间进行比较,其中可以测试靶特异性药物或其他新型癌症干细胞疗法的影响。

【背景】胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)是最常见的脑癌之一,预后极差(Kaye和Morokoff,2014)。 ...

Brain Tissue Culture of Per2::Luciferase Transgenic Mice for ex vivo Bioluminescence
[Abstract]  In circadian research, it is essential to be able to track a biological rhythm for several days with the minimum perturbation for the organisms or tissues. The use of transgenic mice lines, in which the luciferase reporter is coupled to a molecular clock protein (here PERIOD2), gives us the opportunity to follow the circadian activity in different tissues or even single clock cells for days without manipulation. This method creates sections using a mouse brain matrix, which allows us to obtain several brain samples quickly at a single time point. [摘要]  在昼夜节律研究中,能够以最小的生物或组织扰动跟踪生物节律数天是至关重要的。 使用转基因小鼠系,其中荧光素酶报告基因与分子钟蛋白(此处为PERIOD2)偶联,使我们有机会在不经操作的情况下跟踪不同组织或甚至单个时钟细胞中的昼夜节律活动数天。 该方法使用鼠标脑矩阵创建切片,这允许我们在单个时间点快速获得几个脑样本。

【背景】昼夜节律是大约24小时循环的行为或分子变化,并且在没有任何外部线索的情况下持续。在哺乳动物中,运动活动,体温和激素释放是昼夜节律的实例,其在位于下丘脑的视交叉上核(SCN)时钟的控制下。 SCN细胞保持内源性节律的能力是由于时钟基因表达的正负循环组成的分子机制:首先,CLOCK和BMAL1蛋白异二聚化通过E-box位点激活不同基因的转录关于基因如 period ( Per1-3 )和隐花色素( Cry1-2 ; Takahashi)的启动子 et al。,2008)。然后,PERIOD和CRYPTOCHROME的蛋白质异二聚化并返回到细胞核以防止BMAL1与E-Box结合。因此,PERIOD和CRYPTOCHROME抑制其自身的转录(Takahashi et al。,2008)。第二个环由类视黄醇相关的孤儿受体(ROR)和Rev-Erb组成:ROR蛋白激活 Bmal1 基因,而REV-ERB蛋白抑制它通过 ROR反应 Bmal1 ...

Intracellular and Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Measurement in Primary Cultured Neurons
[Abstract]  Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are chemically reactive oxygen containing molecules. ROS consist of radical oxygen species including superoxide anion (O2•−) and hydroxyl radical (•OH) and non-radical oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), singlet oxygen (O2). ROS are generated by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, environmental stresses including UV or heat exposure, and cellular responses to xenobiotics (Ray et al., 2012). Excessive ROS production over cellular antioxidant capacity induces oxidative stress which ... [摘要]  活性氧物质(ROS)是化学活性的含氧分子。 ROS由自由基氧物种组成,包括超氧化物阴离子(O2-)和羟基自由基(·OH)以及非自由基氧物种如过氧化氢(H


ROS是由线粒体中消耗的一小部分氧产生的。线粒体中产生的ROS的主要种类是超氧化物阴离子,它是电子传递链的副产物(Batandier等人,2002)。为了检测线粒体中的超氧化物,使用MitoSOX红色,线粒体超氧化物指示剂。由于三苯基鏻基团带正电,MitoSOX红可以有效地穿透磷脂双分子层,并积聚在线粒体基质中。此外,MitoSOX红的氢化乙啶可使研究人员区分超氧化物介导的氧化产物与其他非特异性信号产生的荧光信号(Robinson等人,2006; ...
