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Dumont #7 forceps


公司名称: Fine Science Tools
产品编号: 11272-30
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Generation of Functional Mouse Hippocampal Neurons
[Abstract]  Primary culture of mouse hippocampal neurons is a very useful in vitro model for studying neuronal development, axonal and dendritic morphology, synaptic functions, and many other neuronal features. Here we describe a step-by-step process of generating primary neurons from mouse embryonic hippocampi (E17.5/E18.5). Hippocampal neurons generated with this protocol can be plated in different tissue culture dishes according to different experimental aims and can produce a reliable source of pure and differentiated neurons in less than one week. This protocol covers all the steps ... [摘要]  [摘要] 原代培养小鼠海马神经元是一种非常有用的体外模型用于研究神经元的发育,轴突和树突的形态,突触功能,以及许多其他神经元的特征。这里我们描述了从小鼠胚胎海马(E17.5/E18.5)产生初级神经元的一步一步的过程。根据不同的实验目的,用该方法产生的海马神经元可以在不同的组织培养皿中进行培养,并能在不到一周的时间内产生一个可靠的来源。该方案涵盖了神经元培养物的制备、培养和鉴定的所有必要步骤,包括解剖器械的说明、胚胎分离的手术程序、培养条件以及培养物纯度和分化的评估。通过分析培养6天时的钙显像动力学来评估神经元的活性。

[背景] 海马体是一个非常典型的大脑结构,对重要的大脑功能如记忆、空间导航、情绪记忆和学习至关重要。从解剖学上讲,小鼠海马体有一个清晰的C形结构,很容易定位和分离。在细胞水平上,它主要由锥体细胞组成,与其他脑区相比,中间神经元和胶质细胞较少(Kaech和Banker,2006)。因此,海马体是从野生型或基因工程小鼠模型中产生高纯度原代神经元培养物的理想区域,可用于疾病建模或研究神经元功能的多个方面,如突触传递和电生理特性、对神经毒性的敏感性,分化与衰老(;;;;)。Busche,2018Koyama和Ikegaya,2018Molnar,2011Wu等人,2019Rush等人,2020年

已经制定了许多协议,通过与神经胶质喂食器共同培养神经元来产生皮层和海马神经元(Kaech和Banker,2006),描述了用水凝胶微纤维封装的星形胶质细胞的三维神经元培养系统(Kim等人,2020年),长期向培养基中补充生长因子神经元培养(Ray ...

An ex vivo Perifusion Method for Quantitative Determination of Neuropeptide Release from Mouse Hypothalamic Explants
[Abstract]  The hypothalamus is a primary brain area which, in mammals, regulates several physiological functions that are all related to maintaining general homeostasis, by linking the central nervous system (CNS) and the periphery. The hypothalamus itself can be considered an endocrine brain region of some sort as it hosts in its different nuclei several kinds of neuropeptide-producing and -secreting neurons. These neuropeptides have specific roles and participate in the regulation of homeostasis in general, which includes the regulation of energy metabolism, feeding behavior, water intake and body ... [摘要]  下丘脑是一个主要的脑区域,在哺乳动物中,通过连接中枢神经系统(CNS)和周围环境来调节与维持一般体内平衡有关的几种生理功能。下丘脑本身可以被认为是某种类型的内分泌大脑区域,因为它在其不同的核中存在几种神经肽产生和分泌神经元。这些神经肽具有特定的作用并参与一般的体内平衡调节,其中包括调节能量代谢,摄食行为,进水量和身体核心温度。
   事实上,过去已经使用了不同的渗透系统,并且仍然是不同研究实验室在各种条件下研究下丘脑神经肽释放的有效程序。例如,Callewaere及其同事在2006年发表了一项研究,分析了趋化因子SDF-1(基质细胞衍生因子-1)对血管舒张素诱导的AVP(精氨酸 ...

Permanent Occlusion of the Left Anterior Coronary Artery in the Rat
[Abstract]  Left ventricular (LV) remodeling occurs in many patients after myocardial infarction (MI). LV remodeling is characterized by progressive ventricular dilatation and contractile dysfunction, consequently to cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and fibrosis. Despite reperfusion therapies, this pathophysiological process is the main cause of cardiac evolution toward heart failure. Moreover, the outcome of patients after MI is largely dependent on the initial cardiac injury. Thus, this is of major clinical interest to develop new pharmacological strategies to limit infarct size and prevent or reverse left ... [摘要]  左心室(LV)重塑在心肌梗死(MI)后发生在许多患者中。 LV重塑的特征在于进行性心室扩张和收缩功能障碍,从而导致心肌细胞肥大和纤维化。尽管再灌注治疗,这种病理生理过程是心脏进入心力衰竭的主要原因。此外,MI后患者的结果主要取决于初始心脏损伤。因此,这是开发新的药理策略以限制梗死面积和防止或逆转左心室重塑的重大临床兴趣。这种临床前心血管治疗通常在啮齿动物中进行测试。通常使用大鼠心肌梗死模型。在该模型中,进行左前降支冠状动脉的永久性结扎(Bousquenaud等人,2013a)。
