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Powder-free gloves

公司名称: Denville Scientific
产品编号: G4162
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Atomic Force Microscopy to Characterize Ginger Lipid-Derived Nanoparticles (GLDNP)

We have demonstrated that a specific population of ginger-derived nanoparticles (GDNP-2) could effectively target the colon, reduce colitis, and alleviate colitis-associated colon cancer. Naturally occurring GDNP-2 contains complex bioactive components, including lipids, proteins, miRNAs, and ginger secondary metabolites (gingerols and shogaols). To construct a nanocarrier that is more clearly defined than GDNP-2, we isolated lipids from GDNP-2 and demonstrated that they could self-assemble into ginger lipid-derived nanoparticles (GLDNP) in an aqueous solution. GLDNP can be used as a

[摘要]  [摘要]我们已经证明,特定人群的生姜纳米颗粒(GDNP-2)可以有效地靶向结肠,减少结肠炎,并减轻结肠炎相关的结肠癌。天然存在的GDNP-2包含复杂的生物活性成分,包括脂质,蛋白质,miRNA和生姜的次生代谢产物(姜油和松香油)。为了构建比GDNP-2更明确定义的纳米载体,我们从GDNP-2中分离出脂质,并证明它们可以自组装成在水溶液中生姜脂质衍生的纳米颗粒(GLD NP )。GLD NP可用作纳米载体,以将诸如6-shogaol或其代谢产物(M2和M13)之类的药物念珠菌递送至结肠。Ť Ó表征纳米结构GLDNP ,邻乌尔实验室中广泛使用原子力显微镜(AFM)技术作为一种工具 可视化载药的GLDN P的形态。在此,我们提供了一个详细的协议来演示这种过程。

[背景]开发新的基于药物的肠道肠道疾病(IBD)治疗方法必须克服众多挑战,包括潜在的脱靶效应,大规模生产成本以及确保组织特异性递送,全身安全性和低毒性的需求。我们的组和其他最近已经证明,人工合成的纳米颗粒可以定位低剂量的药物(例如,siRNA的,蛋白质,或肽),以结肠组织或结肠免疫细胞,例如巨噬细胞(奥博锐和兰普雷克特,2010 ;陈等人, 2017 ...

Isolation and Characterization of Exosomes from Mouse Feces
[Abstract]  Exosomes secreted by colonic epithelial cells are present in feces and contain valuable epigenetic information, such as miRNAs, proteins, and metabolites. An in-depth study of this information is conducive to the diagnosis or treatment of relevant diseases. A crucial prerequisite of such a study is to establish an efficient isolation method, through which we can obtain a relatively more significant amount of exosomes from feces. This protocol is designed to effectively isolate a large number of exosomes from contaminants and other particles in feces by a combined method with fast filtration ... [摘要]  [摘要] 外来体分泌的结肠上皮细胞是否存在,在粪便和包含有价值的表观遗传信息,例如miRNA,蛋白质和代谢。一个在深入研究这个信息,有利于诊断和治疗相关疾病的一种重要前提这项研究的目的是建立一种有效的分离方法,通过该方法我们可以从粪便中获得相对大量的外泌体。该方案旨在通过组合方法有效地从粪便中的污染物和其他颗粒中分离出大量外泌体通过快速过滤和蔗糖密度梯度超速离心。这种方法产生的外泌体适用于进一步的RNA,蛋白质和脂质分析。

[背景] 结肠外泌体由结肠上皮细胞分泌到管腔中,并沿大肠转运并存在于粪便中。这些外泌体的脂质双层结构可防止复杂条件下封装的生物分子(如miRNA)的降解(由于粪便)(古贺等人,2011 ; 邓等人,2013 )。该保护功能外体是非常有用的,因为这些受保护的内容可以用来诊断疾病,如溃疡性结肠炎和结肠癌症。重要的是,重新设计的外泌体也可以有效地将治疗性生物分子递送至某些特定的疾病靶标,而不会对宿主产生免疫毒性(Sun 等人,2010; Johnsen 等人,2014; Wang 等人,2016; Kim和Kim,2018 )。

迄今为止,已成功地从血液(Wu 等人,2017 ),尿液(Knepper和Pisitkun,2007; Motamedinia 等人,2016 ),培养细胞(Yeo 等人,2013 ...

Host-regulated Hepatitis B Virus Capsid Assembly in a Mammalian Cell-free System
[Abstract]  The hepatitis B virus (HBV) is an important global human pathogen and represents a major cause of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. The HBV capsid is composed of multiple copies of a single viral protein, the capsid or core protein (HBc), plays multiple roles in the viral life cycle, and has emerged recently as a major target for developing antiviral therapies against HBV infection. Although several systems have been developed to study HBV capsid assembly, including heterologous overexpression systems like bacteria and insect cells, in vitro assembly using purified ... [摘要]  乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)是一种重要的全球人类病原体,并且是肝炎,肝硬化和肝癌的主要原因。 HBV衣壳由单个病毒蛋白的多个拷贝组成,衣壳或核心蛋白(HBc)在病毒生命周期中起着多重作用,并且最近已经成为开发抗HBV病毒疗法的主要靶标。尽管已经开发了几种用于研究HBV衣壳组装的系统,包括异源过表达系统如细菌和昆虫细胞,使用纯化蛋白质和哺乳动物细胞培养系统进行体外组装,但对非生理浓度HBc和盐以及难以操纵装配的宿主调节物在生理相关条件下的衣壳装配的详细研究方面存在主要限制。我们最近开发了基于兔网织红细胞裂解物(RRL)的哺乳动物无细胞系统,其中HBc以生理浓度表达并在近生理条件下组装成衣壳。该系统已经揭示了HBc装配要求,这是以前装配系统所不能预料的。此外,该系统中的衣壳组装受可容易操作的内源宿主因子调控。在这里,我们提供了这种无细胞衣壳装配系统的详细协议,包括如何操纵调节装配的宿主因子的说明。

【背景】乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)是一种重要的全球人类病原体,其长期感染全世界数以亿计的人并且代表病毒性肝炎,肝硬化和肝癌的主要原因(Seeger等人, 2013; Trepo et。,2014)。 HBV通过逆转录RNA中间体(所谓的前基因组RNA(pgRNA))在核衣壳内(NC)复制其基因组DNA(一种宽松的环状部分双链DNA(RC ...
