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Heparin Sodium salt


公司名称: Sigma-Aldrich
产品编号: H3393
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Advances in Proximity Ligation in situ Hybridization (PLISH)
[Abstract]  Understanding tissues in the context of development, maintenance and disease requires determining the molecular profiles of individual cells within their native in vivo spatial context. We developed a Proximity Ligation in situ Hybridization technology (PLISH) that enables quantitative measurement of single cell gene expression in intact tissues, which we have now updated. By recording spatial information for every profiled cell, PLISH enables retrospective mapping of distinct cell classes and inference of their in vivo interactions. PLISH has high sensitivity, ... [摘要]  [摘要]在发育,维持和疾病的背景下了解组织需要确定单个细胞在其天然体内空间范围内的分子谱。我们开发了一种邻近连接原位杂交技术(PLISH),该技术能够定量测量完整组织中单细胞基因的表达,现已更新。通过记录每个分析细胞的空间信息,PLISH可以回顾性绘制不同细胞类别并推断其体内 互动。PLISH具有很高的灵敏度,特异性和信噪比。它也快速,可扩展,并且不需要分子生物学方面的专门知识,因此基础和临床研究人员可以轻松地采用它。

[背景技术]我们最近开发了一种复用原位称为PLISH(邻位连接杂交技术原位杂交)(Nagendran等人,2018)。PLISH与其他现有的空间转录组学技术不同,因为它结合了高性能,快速多路复用,低成本和技术简单性(Wilbrey -Clark等人,2020年)。可以通过自动计算完整的冷冻或石蜡包埋组织中单细胞表达图谱来分析PLISH结果,它与同时进行的免疫染色兼容。


Long-term in vitro Culture of Cryptosporidium parvum
[Abstract]  Continuous in vitro growth of Cryptosporidium parvum has proved difficult and conventional in vitro culture techniques result in short-term (2-5 days) growth of the parasite resulting in thin-walled oocysts that fail to propagate using in vitro cultures, and do not produce an active infection using immunosuppressed or immunodeficient mouse models (Arrowood, 2002). Here we describe the use of hollow fiber bioreactors (HFB) that simulate in vivo conditions by providing oxygen and nutrients to host intestinal cells from the basal surface and permit ... [摘要]  Cryptosporidium parvum 的连续体外生长已证明是困难的,并且常规体外培养技术导致短期(2-5天)生长寄生虫导致薄壁卵囊不能使用体外培养物繁殖,并且不使用免疫抑制或免疫缺陷小鼠模型产生活跃感染(Arrowood,2002)。在这里,我们描述了中空纤维生物反应器(HFB)的使用,通过提供氧气和营养物质从基础表面宿主肠细胞模拟体内条件,并允许建立低氧化还原,高营养环境顶面。当接种10 5 C时。 parvum (爱荷华州分离物)卵囊生物反应器在14天后每ml产生10个 8 卵囊(20ml额外毛细血管体积),并保持2年以上。使用TCR-α免疫缺陷小鼠模型的体内感染性研究显示,在6,12和18个月时从生物反应器产生的卵囊与用于启动培养的亲本Iowa分离物无法区分。 HFB产生的卵囊具有与亲本爱荷华分离物类似的百分比分析。

【背景】 Cryptosporidium parvum 是人和其他哺乳动物肠道的细胞内专性寄生虫,导致急性腹泻。该疾病在免疫功能正常的个体中是自限性的,然而,在免疫功能低下的成人和幼儿中,该疾病可能危及生命(Kotloff,2017)。它是经济资源低的国家中三种被诊断出的儿童肠道疾病之一(Kotloff et al。,2013; Sow et ...

Induction of Photothrombotic Stroke in the Sensorimotor Cortex of Rats and Preparation of Tissue for Analysis of Stroke Volume and Topographical Cortical Localization of Ischemic Infarct
[Abstract]  The photothrombotic model of stroke is commonly used in research as it allows the ischemic infarct to be targeted to specific regions of the cortex with high reproducibility and well-defined infarct borders. Unlike other models of stroke, photothrombosis allows the precise size and location of infarct to be tightly controlled with minimal surgical invasion. Photothrombosis is induced when a circulating photosensitive dye is irradiated in vivo, resulting in focal disruption of the endothelium, activation of platelets and occlusion of the microvasculature (Watson et al., 1985; ... [摘要]  中风的光血栓形成模型通常用于研究,因为它允许缺血性梗塞针对特定区域的皮层,具有高重现性和明确的梗塞边界。 与其他卒中模型不同,光血栓形成能够以最小的手术入侵严密控制梗死的精确大小和位置。 当在体内辐射循环的光敏染料时诱导光血栓形成,导致内皮的局灶性破坏,血小板的活化和微血管的闭塞(Watson等人,1985年 ; Dietrich等人,1987; Carmichael,2005)。 这里的方案定义了如何将光致血栓形成特异性地靶向大鼠的感觉运动前肢皮层并具有高重现性。 提供了大鼠皮质组织处理的详细方法以允许精确分析脑卒中体积和立体定向确定缺血性损伤的精确皮层区域。

【背景】中风的光血栓形成模型允许在皮层的特定区域中精确布置缺血性梗塞(Carmichael,2005; Underly and Shih,2017)。光血栓形成可用于封闭皮层中的特定动脉和动脉分支(Carmichael et al。,2005),pia的个别血管(Taylor和Shih,2013),并定义了皮质区域如桶(Dietrich等人,1987)和后肢躯体感觉皮层(Que等人,1999)。使用这种方法,在许多实验动物模型中已经产生了高度可重现的缺血性梗塞,包括啮齿动物(Watson等人,1985; Carmichael等人,2005)和非人类动物模型人灵长类动物(Ikeda et ...
