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公司名称: SouthernBiotech
产品编号: 0100-01
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Establishing an Adult Mouse Brain Hippocampal Organotypic Slice Culture System that Allows for Tracing and Pharmacological Manipulation of ex vivo Neurogenesis

The function of the hippocampus depends on the process of adult hippocampal neurogenesis which underpins the exceptional neural plasticity of this structure, and is also frequently affected in CNS pathologies. Thus, manipulation of this process represents an important therapeutic goal. To identify potential strategies, organotypic adult brain slices are emerging as a valuable tool. Over the recent years, this methodology has been refined and here we present a combined protocol that brings together these refinements to enable long-term culture of adult hippocampal slices. We employ a

[摘要]  [摘要]海马的功能取决于成年海马神经发生的过程,该过程是这种结构异常的神经发育的基础,并且在中枢神经系统病理中也经常受到影响。因此,对该过程的操纵代表了重要的治疗目标。为了确定潜在的策略,器官型成人大脑切片正在成为一种有价值的工具。近年来,此方法已得到完善,在此我们提出一种组合协议, 汇集了这些改进,以实现成人海马切片的长期培养。我们采用了一种切片技术,可将必要的传入输入保留在海马上以及无血清培养条件下,因此可以延长培养时间。为了维持切片中的神经源性潜力,我们利用神经胶质生成抑制剂吲哚美辛。使用EdU保留分析使我们能够评估药理干预对神经发生的影响。通过这些改进,我们建立了一种简单可靠的方法来研究小分子/药物对离体增殖和神经元形成的影响,这将有助于未来发现驱动的药物筛选。

[背景技术]海马是具有高度的可塑性作为整个生命齿状回中正在进行的神经发生的结果,脑的独特区域。成年海马神经发生的这一过程始于在亚颗粒区(SGZ)中神经干细胞(NSC)的不对称分裂,该过程保留了干细胞池并生成了准备用于神经元分化的祖细胞(Kempermann等人,2004;Anacker和Hen ,2017; ...

Non-separate Mouse Sclerochoroid/RPE/Retina Staining and Whole Mount for the Integral Observation of Subretinal Layer

The subretinal layer between retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and photoreceptors is a region involved in inflammation and angiogenesis during the procession of diseases such as age-related macular degeneration. The current protocols of whole mounts (retina and RPE) are unable to address the intact view of the subretinal layer because the separation between retina and RPE is required, and each separate tissue is then stained. Non-separate Sclerochoroid/RPE/Retina whole mount staining was recently developed and reported. The method can be further combined and optimized with melanin bleaching

[摘要]  [摘要]视网膜色素上皮(RPE)和感光细胞之间的视网膜下层是与年龄相关的黄斑变性等疾病进程中涉及炎症和血管生成的区域。由于需要在视网膜和RPE之间分离,因此整个安装(视网膜和RPE)的当前方案无法解决视网膜下层的完整视图,然后对每个单独的组织进行染色。最近开发并报道了非分离的巩膜脉络膜/ RPE /视网膜整装染色。该方法可以与黑色素漂白和组织清除进一步结合和优化。在这里,我们描述了非色素和色素小鼠硬化脉络膜的步骤/ RPE /视网膜整个安装,包括眼球准备,染色,安装和共聚焦扫描。此外,我们提出了巩膜脉络膜/ RPE /视网膜整个支架中的RPE,视网膜下小胶质细胞和邻近的感光体的共聚焦图像。

[背景]在眼睛视网膜是由视网膜色素上皮(RPE)包围,脉络膜和巩膜。通常,在整装染色中,视网膜组织与脉络膜/ RPE分开,并且分开的视网膜和脉络膜/ RPE的每个部分都被染色。因此,视网膜或脉络膜/ RPE的单独的整体染色不能解决完整的视网膜下信息。最近,开发了脉络膜/ RP E /视网膜整个安装方案(Kim等,2016; ...

Staining and Quantitative Analysis of Myelinating Oligodendrocytes in the Mouse Grey Matter
[Abstract]  Oligodendrocytes generate distinct patterns of myelination throughout the CNS. Variations in myelination along axons may enable neurons to fine-tune conduction velocities and alter signal synchronisation. Here we outline a staining protocol permitting the assessment of the number and length of myelin sheaths formed by oligodendrocyte in the mouse grey matter. This protocol enables the investigation of myelination without the need for reporter mice or technically challenging protocols, aiding the investigation of factors influencing myelin production in the brain. [摘要]  [摘要] 少突胶质细胞在中枢神经系统产生不同的髓鞘形成模式。轴突髓鞘的变化可能使神经元能够微调传导速度和改变信号同步。在这里,我们概述了一个染色方案,允许评估由少突胶质细胞在小鼠灰质中形成的髓鞘的数量和长度。这一方案使研究髓鞘无需报告小鼠或技术上具有挑战性的协议,有助于研究影响大脑髓鞘生成的因素。

[背景] 少突胶质细胞在中枢神经系统(CNS)轴突周围产生绝缘的髓鞘。髓鞘通过鞘间小的无髓鞘间隙处电压依赖性钠通道的浓度加速轴突传导速度——Ranvier节点(Huxley和Stampfli,1949;Rushton,1951;Waxman,1997)。尽管少突胶质细胞遍布中枢神经系统,但并非所有轴突都有髓鞘,这表明髓鞘的形成和大小可能精确地调节动作电位速度和神经元同步性(Pajevic等人,2014)。因此,了解是什么影响少突胶质细胞产生髓鞘的数量(即一个细胞形成的鞘的数量和大小)对于理解髓鞘如何改变神经元功能很重要。
许多技术已经被发展用来分析体内少突胶质细胞的复杂形态。最初,Pio del Rio Hortega的研究使用碳酸银染色法,根据形成的髓鞘的数量和长度来识别和区分少突胶质细胞(Perez ...
