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公司名称: Thermo Fisher Scientific
产品编号: 25030164
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Screening Method for CRISPR/Cas9 Inhibition of a Human DNA Virus: Herpes Simplex Virus
[Abstract]  The efficiency of cleavage of individual CRISPR/Cas9-sgRNAs remains difficult to predict based on the CRISPR target sequence alone. Different intracellular environments (dependent on cell type or cell cycle state for example) may affect sgRNA efficiency by altering accessibility of genomic DNA through DNA modifications such as epigenetic marks and DNA-binding proteins (e.g., histones) as well as alteration of the chromatin state of genomic DNA within the nucleus.

We recently reported a multi-step screening method for the identification of efficient sgRNAs targeting the ...
[摘要]  [摘要 ] 单独基于CRISPR靶序列仍难以预测单个CRISPR / Cas9-sgRNA的切割效率。不同的细胞内环境(例如,取决于细胞类型或细胞周期状态)可能会通过DNA修饰(例如表观遗传标记和DNA结合蛋白(例如组蛋白))和染色质状态的改变来改变基因组DNA的可及性,从而影响sgRNA效率。核内基因组DNA的标记。

我们recen TLY 报道的多步骤方法筛选用于有效sgRNAs靶向的识别的单纯疱疹病毒(HSV-1)的基因组,并报告为在潜对裂解病毒相抑制CRISPR-Cas9的差动机构。该协议中详述的筛选平台允许在无细胞系统中以及在病毒靶细胞(例如人包皮成纤维细胞)的背景下逐步测试切割效率,然后对CRISPR / sgRNA的作用进行功能测试病毒蛋白的表达,复制,和再活化。该策略可以容易地应用于其他靶细胞,例如多能干细胞衍生的人感觉神经元或其他人DNA病毒。

背景 ] 单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)是的一种嗜神经性DNA病毒疱疹病毒科家族引起终身和无法治愈感染在大多数人群的,并可能导致显著发病率和死亡率(Liesegang环等人,1989; Roizman 等人。,2013) ...

Isolation and Primary Cell Culture of Mouse Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons
[Abstract]  We here provide a detailed protocol for the isolation and culture of primary mouse sensory neurons. The cell bodies of sensory afferent pseudounipolar neurons are located in dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) along the vertebral column. Dissected mouse DRGs can be dissociated into single cells by enzymatic digestion to obtain primary cultures of mouse sensory neurons as performed in the studies reported by Khaminets et al. (2015). [摘要]  我们在这里提供了详细的协议,用于隔离和培养的主要小鼠感觉神经元。 感觉传入假性极化神经元的细胞体位于沿着脊柱的背根神经节(DRG)中。 解离的小鼠DRG可以通过酶消化解离成单个细胞,以获得小鼠感觉神经元的原代培养物,如Khaminets等人(2015)报道的研究中所进行的。

Assessment of Brown Adipocyte Thermogenic Function by High-throughput Respirometry
[Abstract]  Brown adipose tissue (BAT) has the unique ability to dramatically increase mitochondrial uncoupled fuel oxidation for thermogenesis in response to adrenergic stimulation. A key parameter in assessing brown adipocyte thermogenic capacity is mitochondrial uncoupling as determined by respiration. Measuring mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate (OCR) therefore provides valuable information to study the regulation and dysregulation of fuel metabolism and energy expenditure. Adding measurements of mitochondrial membrane potential allows for more in-depth interpretation of the respirometry data. ... [摘要]  棕色脂肪组织(BAT)具有显着增加线粒体解偶联燃料氧化以响应肾上腺素刺激的热生成的独特能力。评估棕色脂肪细胞产热能力的关键参数是通过呼吸确定的线粒体解偶联。因此,测量线粒体氧消耗率(OCR)为研究燃料代谢和能量消耗的调节和失调提供了有价值的信息。添加线粒体膜电位的测量允许更加深入地解释呼吸数据。在这里我们提供使用Seahorse XF分析仪测量贴壁完整和质膜透性棕色脂肪细胞呼吸的协议。在方案部分I中,去甲肾上腺素和游离脂肪酸的组合用于诱导解偶联呼吸。然后使用ATP合酶抑制剂寡霉素,化学去偶联剂FCCP和复合物III抑制剂抗霉素A分别测量偶联的,最大的和非线粒体的氧消耗。在方案第II部分中,质膜用重组perfringolysin O透化,胆固醇依赖性细胞溶解素寡聚化成在质膜中专门的孔。这允许代谢物可用性的实验性控制,而不从天然细胞环境中分离线粒体。
