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Stericup-GP, 0.22 µm, polyethersulfone, 500 mL, radio-sterilized


公司名称: EMD Millipore
产品编号: SCGPU05RE
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Organotypic Brain Cultures: A Framework for Studying CNS Infection by Neurotropic Viruses and Screening Antiviral Drugs
[Abstract]  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 50% of emerging viruses endowed with pathogenicity in humans can infect the Central Nervous System (CNS) with induction of encephalitis and other neurologic diseases (Taylor et al., 2001; Olival and Daszak, 2005). While neurological diseases are progressively documented, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in virus infection and dissemination within the CNS are still poorly understood (Swanson and McGavern, 2015; Ludlow et al., 2016). For example, measles virus (MeV) can infect neural cells, and ... [摘要]  根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的统计,至少有50%的新发病毒具有致病性,可感染中枢神经系统(CNS),并诱发脑炎和其他神经系统疾病(Taylor et al。 >,2001; Olival和Daszak,2005)。虽然神经系统疾病逐渐被记录下来,但涉及病毒感染和在CNS内传播的潜在细胞和分子机制仍然知之甚少(Swanson and McGavern,2015; Ludlow等人,2016)。例如,麻疹病毒(MeV)可以感染神经细胞,并在原发感染后几个月至数年导致持续的脑感染,导致致死性脑炎,而没有可用的治疗(Reuter和Schneider-Schaulies,2010; Laksono等人。,2016)。器官型脑文化(OBC)是病毒学领域的一个合适的模型,以更好地理解中枢神经系统感染。实际上,它不仅可以研究中枢神经系统内嗜神经病毒的感染和传播,而且还可以作为创新性抗病毒策略或分子的筛选模型,如我们最近发表的有关融合抑制肽和HSP90伴侣蛋白活性抑制剂的研究, 17-DMAG(Welsch等人,2013; ...

A Co-culture Assay to Determine Efficacy of TNF-α Suppression by Biomechanically Induced Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells
[Abstract]  The beneficial effects of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-based cellular therapies are believed to be mediated primarily by the ability of MSCs to suppress inflammation associated with chronic or acute injury, infection, autoimmunity, and graft-versus-host disease. To specifically address the effects of frictional force caused by blood flow, or wall shear stress (WSS), on human MSC immunomodulatory function, we have utilized microfluidics to model WSS at the luminal wall of arteries. Anti-inflammatory potency of MSCs was subsequently quantified via measurement of TNF-α production by activated ... [摘要]  认为基于间充质干细胞(MSC)的细胞疗法的有益作用主要是由能够抑制慢性或急性损伤,感染,自身免疫和移植物抗宿主病相关炎症的能力介导的。 为了专门解决由血流或壁剪应力(WSS)引起的摩擦力对人MSC免疫调节功能的影响,我们利用微流体在动脉腔壁上建模WSS。 随后通过在共培养测定中通过活化的小鼠脾细胞测量TNF-α产生来量化MSC的抗炎效力。 TNF-α抑制测定作为MSC效力的功能评估的可重现平台,并且表现出作为MSC治疗功效的替代测定的预测价值。
【背景】间充质干细胞(MSC)的免疫调节活性由直接细胞相互作用和旁分泌因子介导(Singer和Caplan,2011;英语,2013)。 MSCs被认为是源于与骨髓和各种组织内脉管系统内皮细胞相关的周细胞(Sacchetti et al。,2007; Crisan et al。,2008)。这种独特的血管周围位置将它们置于血流中的炎症和其他可溶性因子附近,使其监测系统信号。事实上,将壁壁细胞募集到内皮是血管成熟的关键事件,周细胞在血管维持和完整性中起关键作用(Benjamin et al。,1998; ...

Primary Culture System for Germ Cells from Caenorhabditis elegans Tumorous Germline Mutants
[Abstract]  The Caenorhabditis elegans germ line is an important model system for the study of germ stem cells. Wild-type C. elegans germ cells are syncytial and therefore cannot be isolated in in vitro cultures. In contrast, the germ cells from tumorous mutants can be fully cellularized and isolated intact from the mutant animals. Here we describe a detailed protocol for the isolation of germ cells from tumorous mutants that allows the germ cells to be maintained for extended periods in an in vitro primary culture. This protocol has been adapted from Chaudhari et al. ... [摘要]  秀丽隐杆线虫种系是胚芽干细胞研究的重要模型系统。 野生型C。 线虫生殖细胞是合胞体,因此不能在体外培养中分离。 相比之下,来自肿瘤突变体的生殖细胞可以完全被细胞化并从突变动物中完整分离。 在这里,我们描述了从肿瘤突变体中分离生殖细胞的详细方案,其允许生殖细胞在体外原代培养中长时间维持。 该协议已从2016年Chaudhari等人改编。
【背景】秀丽生殖细胞在位于两个性腺臂的远端区域的两个成体干细胞龛中产生(Hansen和Schedl,2013; Kimble和Seidel,2013)。在野生型雌雄同体中,有丝分裂生殖细胞仅限于性腺臂的远端,干细胞生态位。野生型生殖细胞是合胞体,并且包含延伸通过性腺臂中心区域的共同细胞质的开口。 ℃。线虫肿瘤种系突变体在整个性腺中增加了生殖细胞的有丝分裂增殖。我们发现肿瘤种系突变体通常具有完整的细胞生殖细胞,其含有完整的质膜(Chaudhari等人,2016)。这种细胞化允许生殖细胞的分离及其在培养中的维持。该方案描述了分离和维持培养物中肿瘤突变体的生殖细胞的方法学和组织培养基。虽然已经描述了用于C的主要培养物的培养基。 elegans 胚胎和幼虫细胞(Strange等人,2007; Zhang和Kuhn,2013),生殖细胞在这种培养基中不能存活(Chaudhari等人。 ...
