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DifcoTM Potato Dextrose Agar


公司名称: BD
产品编号: 213400
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Large Scale Field Inoculation and Scoring of Maize Southern Leaf Blight and Other Maize Foliar Fungal Diseases
[Abstract]  Field-grown maize is inoculated with Cochliobolus heterostrophus, causal agent of southern leaf blight disease, by dropping sorghum grains infested with the fungus into the whorl of each maize plant at an early stage of growth. The initial lesions produce secondary inoculum that is dispersed by wind and rain, causing multiple cycles of infection that assures a high uniform disease pressure over the entire field by the time of disease scoring, which occurs after anthesis. This method, with slight modifications, can also be used to study the maize fungal diseases northern leaf blight ... [摘要]  田间种植的玉米接种南方叶枯病的致病剂异叶蜗杆菌,通过在生长的早期阶段,将侵染了真菌的高粱谷物滴入每个玉米植株的螺纹中。 最初的病变产生由风和雨分散的二次接种物,引起多次感染循环,从而在开花后发生疾病评分时在整个区域确保高度均匀的疾病压力。 这种方法只需稍作修改,也可用于研究北方叶枯病(由Exserohilum turcicum引起)和灰叶斑点(Emesospora zeae-maydis)引起的玉米真菌病害。

【背景】南方叶枯病(SLB),由蜗杆异轴旋回(Drechs。)Drechs引起。 [anamorph = Bipolaris maydis (Nisikado)Shoemaker]是一种普遍的玉米病害,在热带,潮湿的热带和亚热带地区,如美国东南部,印度部分地区,非洲,拉丁美洲和南欧。在1970 - 71年,由C引起的SLB流行。异质性种群T感染了携带德克萨斯雄性不育细胞质(cms-T)的杂交种,导致美国总玉米产量估计损失15%(Ullstrup,1972)。在1970年流行后,cms-T玉米被抗T种质的正常细胞质玉米所取代。

目前,O型是美国和全球SLB的主要原因(Wang等人,2017)。 SLB抵抗 C。 heterostrophus race O是主要由加性或部分显性基因作用定量遗传的(Holley and ...

Large-scale Maize Seedling Infection with Exserohilum turcicum in the Greenhouse
[Abstract]  Northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) is a serious foliar disease of maize (Zea mays) worldwide and breeding for resistance is of primary importance for maize crop protection. Phenotyping for NCLB resistance is well established in the field, but such experiments depend on suitable environmental conditions and are seasonal. Here we describe a greenhouse seedling approach that is suitable for testing thousands of seedling plants in a single experiment with a duration of 37 days. Three scoring methods were used to quantify the disease severity: the area under the disease progress curve ... [摘要]  北方玉米叶枯病(NCLB)是世界范围内严重的玉米叶片病(Zea mays),对抗玉米作物保护最为重要。 NCLB抗性的表型在该领域已经确立,但是这种实验取决于合适的环境条件并且是季节性的。在这里,我们描述了一种温室幼苗方法,适用于在单次实验中测试数千株幼苗,持续时间为37天。使用三种评分方法来定量疾病严重程度:疾病进展曲线(AUDPC)下的面积,接种后16天接种的叶的主要病叶面积(16dpi的PrimDLA)和潜伏期(IP),被确定为从接种到症状外观的天数。通过测试多样化的玉米基因型,观察到三种不同方法之间的高度相关性(81.9%至94.1%),表明每种评分方法可用于疾病定量。因此,开发的幼苗测定作为在温室条件下表型NCLB抗病性的相对简单且高通量的方法。
【背景】北方玉米叶枯病(NCLB)是全球威胁到玉米生产的无处不在的叶枯病(Welz和Geiger,2000)。该疾病是由有利于高湿度和凉爽的温度环境的半抗生物真菌(Exserohilum turcicum)((Setosphaeria turcica ...

Plant Tissue Trypan Blue Staining During Phytopathogen Infection
[Abstract]  In this protocol plant tissue is stained with trypan blue dye allowing the researcher to visualize cell death. Specifically this method avoids the use of the carcinogen compound chloral hydrate, making this classical method of staining safer and faster than ever. The protocol is applied specifically to detect cell death on Arabidopsis leaves during the course of infection with necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. [摘要]  在该方案中,植物组织用台盼蓝染料染色,使研究人员可视化细胞死亡。具体来说,这种方法避免了使用致癌物水合氯醛,使得这种经典染色方法的染色比以往更加安全和快速。该方案专门用于在坏死性真菌Botrytis cinerea感染过程中检测拟南芥叶片上的细胞死亡。

【背景】 检测死植物组织的最常见的方法之一是台盼蓝染色(Keogh等人,1980)。该重氮染料也用于组织学和药物中,以通过允许细胞死亡的观察来测量组织存活力(Keogh等人,1980; Cooksey,2014)。涉及台盼蓝染色的大多数微观方法需要长时间的清除步骤,使用水合氯醛(CHL),一种目前使用的小型有机化合物,如实验动物中的致癌物,麻醉剂和止痛剂(Keogh等, 1980年; Lu和Greco,2006; Salmon等人,1995)。 CHL未经美国FDA批准或欧盟EMA在任何医疗指征( http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/ )。只有250mg或50mg的合唱水合物足以分别产生成人或儿科镇静剂,其毒性也在新生儿中测定( http://www.drugs.com ...
