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公司名称: Fine Science Tools
产品编号: 11251-10
Other protocol()

Isolation and Analysis of Stromal Cell Populations from Mouse Lymph Nodes
[Abstract]  Our protocol describes a simple procedure for isolating stromal cells from lymph nodes (LN). LN are disrupted then enzymatically digested with collagenase and dispase to produce a single cell suspension that can be stained with fluorescently labelled antibodies and analysed by flow cytometry. This protocol will enable identification of fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC), lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC), blood endothelial cells (BEC) as PNAd+ BEC that form LN high endothelial venules (HEV). This method can be applied to examine LN stromal cell responses during inflammatory events ... [摘要]  我们的方案描述了从淋巴结(LN)分离基质细胞的简单过程。 LN被破坏,然后用胶原酶和分散酶酶消化以产生可以用荧光标记的抗体染色的单细胞悬浮液并通过流式细胞术分析。 该方案能够识别形成LN高内皮小静脉(HEV)的PNAd + BEC的成纤维细胞网状细胞(FRC),淋巴内皮细胞(LEC),血液内皮细胞(BEC)。 该方法可以用于检测由感染或免疫佐剂诱导的炎症事件期间的LN基质细胞反应,并且在LN中发现大多数白细胞。

Improved Oviduct Transfer Surgery for Genetically Modified Rat Production
[Abstract]  Rat embryo transfer surgeries are becoming more common with targeted nucleases increasing the demand for rat models. This protocol details pre-surgical preparation, improved surgical techniques for placing embryos into the oviduct, and post-surgical care of rats to parturition. Direct application of mouse oviduct transfer protocols results in limited success in the rat. By combining techniques from several widely used protocols in the field, increased yield of live pups born to healthy dams is possible. This protocol is distinct from previously published protocols by the use of a modified ... [摘要]  大鼠胚胎移植手术正变得越来越普遍,靶向核酸酶增加对大鼠模型的需求。 该协议详细介绍了手术前准备,将胚胎置入输卵管的改进的外科技术以及大鼠分娩后的手术后护理。 直接应用小鼠输卵管转移方案在大鼠中的成功有限。 通过组合来自现场广泛使用的几种方案的技术,可以提高健康水坝出生的活的小狗的产量。 该方案与以前公开的方案不同,通过使用改进的麻醉方案(Smith等人,2004),使用止痛剂,添加腹膜缝线(Filipiak和Saunders,2006),切割位置和每只动物的转移数 (Krinke等,2000)。
   多个出版物描述了将胚胎转移到两侧子宫的两个角的输卵管;然而,这增加了动物在麻醉下的时间长度,并且需要中线切口并穿过腹膜腔以到达侧生殖道,或者产生两个单独的切口(Krinke等人,2000)。这些选择不太理想,因为这两个选项都会增加动物的压力,从而增加妊娠中止的可能性。通过在术前和术后创建单侧切口并施用镇痛,动物的压力被最小化(Smith等人,2004)。使用异氟烷可注射麻醉剂可以最大程度地降低毒性风险(如三溴乙醇所见),IP注射损伤和重复给药,所有这些都与啮齿动物手术后的死亡率相关(Bernal ...

Spinal Cord Preparation from Adult Red-eared Turtles for Electrophysiological Recordings during Motor Activity
[Abstract]  Although it is known that the generation of movements is performed to a large extent in neuronal circuits located in the spinal cord, the involved mechanisms are still unclear. The turtle as a model system for investigating spinal motor activity has advantages, which far exceeds those of model systems using other animals. The high resistance to anoxia allows for investigation of the fully developed and adult spinal circuitry, as opposed to mammals, which are sensitive to anoxia and where using neonates are often required to remedy the problems. The turtle is mechanically stable and natural ... [摘要]  虽然已知在位于脊髓的神经元回路中很大程度地进行运动的产生,但是所涉及的机制仍不清楚。乌龟作为调查脊柱运动活动的示范系统具有优势,远远超过使用其他动物的模型系统。对缺氧的高抗性允许对完全发育和成年脊髓电路进行调查,而不是对缺氧敏感的哺乳动物,并且通常需要使用新生儿来补救问题。乌龟是机械稳定的,天然感觉输入可以诱导多种复杂的运动行为,而不需要神经化学物质的应用。在这里,我们提供了如何使成年龟准备的详细方案,也称为电生理调查的综合准备。在这里,通过机械感觉激活,通过细胞内,细胞外和电图记录来记录单细胞和网络活性,可以诱导后肢刮擦反射。该准备工作是由Petersen等人(2014)和Petersen和Berg(2016)以及其他正在进行的研究开发的。
【背景】脊髓电生理学的研究传统上与机械并发症有关,因为许多运动部件和脊柱的灵活性。为了规避这个问题,脊髓经常从柱中解剖出来并移动到可以进行稳定的电生理记录的室。然而,该过程具有缺点,例如,如果要研究多个电动机行为,则适当激活电动机电路是复杂的。此外,缺乏供血和缺乏氧气对电路的健康和完整性有严重影响。一个可以规避所有这些问题的实验模型是龟制剂(Keifer and ...
