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Wheaton® 357546 Glass 40mL Dounce Tissue Grinder Set with Two Glass Pestles, Grinding Chamber O.D. x L: 32 x 140mm (Case of 2)

Wheaton ® 357546 Glass 40mL Dounce Tissue Grinder Set with Two Glass Pestles,Grinding Chamber O.D. ×L:32×140mm(2的情况)

公司名称: Capitol Scientific
产品编号: 357546
Other protocol()

Purification and Identification of Novel Host-derived Factors for Influenza Virus Replication from Human Nuclear Extracts
[Abstract]  Recently, we identified two host cell-derived proteins as novel stimulatory factors of influenza virus RNA replication process, termed “Influenza virus REplication Factor-2 (IREF-2)”, from human nuclear extracts (NEs) by employing biochemical complementation assays (Sugiyama et al., 2015). Herein, we describe detailed methods for successive procedures for identification and purification of IREF-2, including large-scale suspension culture of HeLa S3 cells, preparation of NEs and separation of IREF-2 by sequential column chromatography steps. This protocol can be modified and used for ... [摘要]  最近,我们通过使用生物化学互补试验(Sugiyama),从人类核提取物(NE)鉴定了两种宿主细胞衍生蛋白作为流感病毒RNA复制过程的新型刺激因子,称为“流感病毒复制因子-2(IREF-2)” et al。,2015)。 本文描述了用于IREF-2鉴定和纯化的连续方法的详细方法,包括HeLa S3细胞的大规模悬浮培养,NE的制备和顺序柱色谱步骤分离IREF-2。 该方案可以修改并用于纯化和鉴定您感兴趣的其他未知核蛋白。
【背景】甲型流感病毒基因组由8个分段和单链RNA(vRNA)组成。其转录和复制由病毒编码的RNA依赖性RNA聚合酶(RdRP)催化。几条证据表明某些宿主衍生因子调节病毒RNA合成(Nagata et al。,2008)。最近,通过相互作用分析和基因组RNAi筛选研究,已经报道了各种宿主衍生的蛋白质作为与病毒RNA合成相关的调节因子候选物。然而,其中包括间接涉及病毒RNA合成的一些假阳性相互作用因子和因子。相反,为了鉴定在病毒RNA合成过程中发挥直接作用的可靠和重要的宿主因子,我们使用了生物化学互补测定系统。在该系统中,在感染的细胞核中有效发生的病毒vRNA复制反应被解剖并在体外使用病毒RNA复制所必需的病毒因子重构,例如衍生自洗涤剂溶解的病毒颗粒的病毒RdRP和模型病毒基因组RNA模板和未感染的核提取物(NE)。
最近,我们已经报道,在体外用病毒因子和NE的粗制部分再现有效的vRNA复制(Sugiyama等,2015)。 ...

Preparation of Mitochondria from Candida albicans
[Abstract]  Based on the methods of (Daum et al., 1982) and (Hewitt et al., 2012), we have established the use of Candida albicans as a new model system to study mitochondrial biogenesis. This dimorphic yeast provides an excellent system to investigate the coordination of mitochondrial biogenesis with other cellular networks including cellular metabolism and the cell cycle. Unlike the model lab yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which has been widely used in the mitochondrial biogenesis field, C. albicans is not subject to the Crabtree effect, hence grows ... [摘要]  该实验方案的中文版正在准备中...
