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Molecular Biology Grade Water Tested to USP Sterile Purified Water Specifications


公司名称: Mediatech
产品编号: 46-000-CM
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Generating Isogenic Deletions (Knockouts) in Francisella tularensis, a Highly-infectious and Fastidious Gram-negative Bacterium
[Abstract]  Generating bacterial gene deletion mutants, also known as knockouts (KOs), is a powerful tool to investigate individual gene functions. However, fastidious bacteria such as Francisella tularensis (F. tularensis) often are difficult to genetically manipulate. Indeed, many different approaches have been tested to generate F. tularensis mutants. First, Tn5-based EZ::TN transposons have been successfully used to generate transposon libraries in F. tularensis (Qin and Mann, 2006; Weiss et al., 2007). However, creating a comprehensive transposon library ... [摘要]  产生细菌基因缺失突变体,也称为敲除(KO),是研究个别基因功能的有力工具。然而,诸如土拉弗朗西斯氏菌(emosa Francisella tularensis)(土拉弗朗西斯氏菌)之类的顽固细菌通常难以进行遗传操作。实际上,已经测试了许多不同的方法来生成F。 tularensi 的突变体。首先,基于Tn5的EZ :: TN转座子已经成功地用于在F中产生转座子文库。土耳其病(Qin and Mann,2006; Weiss等人,2007)。然而,创建具有饱和突变的综合转座子文库可能是费力的,筛选基因破坏需要高通量测定法,其中可以测量已知的表型,转座子可能不会完全失活目标基因或可能改变下游基因表达。第二,II组内含子(也称为Targetron)已用于灭活F。 (Rodriguez et al。,2008; Rodriguez et al。,2009)。 Targetron通过在质粒编码的RNA和染色体DNA之间形成复合物,随后将II组内含子插入感兴趣的基因而发挥功能。 Targetron的主要优点是它不需要抗生素抗性标记。然而,如转座子所指出的,targetron基因插入可能不能消除所有基因功能或可能影响下游基因表达。第三,同源重组可用于用选择性标记(例如抗生素抗性标记)完全替代染色体靶基因。这种经典的遗传技术已经在许多F中使用。土耳其语研究(Ramakrishnan等人,2008; ...

Quantification of HIV RNA and Human Herpesvirus DNA in Seminal Plasma
[Abstract]  Multiple viruses can co-infect the genital tract, modifying the immunologic and virologic milieu and possibly playing a role in viral transmission and pathogenesis. The aim of our studies has been to understand the complex relationships between HIV-1 RNA, and multiple human herpesviruses known to frequently replicate in the genital tract of HIV-infected men (i.e. cytomegalovirus [CMV], Epstein Bar virus [EBV], herpes simplex virus [HSV] types 1 and 2, and human herpesviruses [HHV] 6, 7 and 8) (Gianella et al., 2013a; Gianella et al., 2013b; Gianella et al., ... [摘要]  多种病毒可以共感染生殖道,修改免疫学和病毒学环境,并可能在病毒传播和发病中起作用。 我们的研究的目的是了解HIV-1 RNA和已知在HIV感染的男性生殖道中经常复制的多种人疱疹病毒之间的复杂关系(即巨细胞病毒[CMV],Epstein 条形病毒[EBV],单纯疱疹病毒[HSV] 1型和2型,以及人疱疹病毒[HHV] 6,7和8)(Gianella等人,2013a; Gianella等人 。,2013b; Gianella 等人,2013c; Gianella ,2014)。 该方案设计用于收集和处理男性生殖器分泌(GS),并使用定量实时PCR技术从精浆中分离并进一步定量7个HHV的HIV RNA和DNA。

Co-immunoprecipitation of Flag-TLR3 or Myc-MSR1 with HCV RNA
[Abstract]  Co-immunoprecipitation assay of TLR3-Flag or Myc-MSR1 with HCV RNA is used to identify direct interaction of viral RNA with host proteins that recognize viral RNA to initiate interferon (IFN) signaling, a crucial antiviral response of the host cells. Both Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) and class-A scavenger receptor type 1 (MSR1) proteins recognize viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) which may be released into the extracellular milieu or spread from HCV-infected cells to uninfected neighbor cells via cell-to-cell contact, resulting in IFN-β activation that restricts viral propagation. We have ... [摘要]  TLR3-Flag或Myc-MSR1与HCV RNA的免疫沉淀测定用于鉴定病毒RNA与识别病毒RNA以启动干扰素(IFN)信号传导(宿主细胞的关键抗病毒反应)的宿主蛋白的直接相互作用。 Toll样受体3(TLR3)和A类1型清道夫受体(MSR1)蛋白识别病毒双链RNA(dsRNA),其可以释放到细胞外环境或从HCV感染的细胞扩散到未感染的邻近细胞细胞间接触,导致限制病毒繁殖的IFN-β活化。我们已经发现MSR1结合细胞外dsRNA,介导其胞吞作用并向内吞体转运,其中TLR3参与其中,从而在感染和未感染的细胞中引发IFN应答。我们使用这个测定来证明MSR1在介导HCV RNA的TLR3识别中的关键作用。该方案中描述的测定基于具有条件缓冲液的常规蛋白质免疫沉淀方案,其防止裂解物中存在的RNA酶引起的非特异性RNA降解。与Flag-标记的蛋白相关的RNA分子被特异性抗体捕获,随后是蛋白G捕获,提取并通过RT-PCR测定定量检测,随后是用于可视化的琼脂糖凝胶电泳。这种方法也可以应用于其他蛋白质-RNA相互作用的检测。
