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100% (200 proof) ethanol


公司名称: The Warner Graham Company
产品编号: 64-17-5
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Preparation of Respiratory Syncytial Virus with High or Low Content of Defective Viral Particles and Their Purification from Viral Stocks
[Abstract]  Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) belongs to the paramyxovirus family that includes many clinically relevant viruses, such as the human metapneumovirus and measles. RSV infection can cause severe disease in infants, the elderly, and some immunocompromised adults. During RSV replication, a series of truncated forms of the viral genome is generated. These truncated viral genomes are known as defective viral genomes (DVGs) and are generated by many viruses (Lazzarini et al., 1981; Rao and Huang, 1982; Prince et al., 1996; Sun et al., 2015; Tapia et al., ... [摘要]  呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)属于包括许多临床相关病毒(例如人偏肺病毒和麻疹)的副粘病毒家族。 RSV感染可以在婴儿,老年人和一些免疫受损的成人中引起严重的疾病。在RSV复制期间,产生一系列截短形式的病毒基因组。这些截短的病毒基因组被称为缺陷型病毒基因组(DVG),并且由许多病毒产生(Lazzarini等人,1981; Rao和Huang,1982; Prince等人, ,1996; Sun等人,2015; Tapia等人,2013)。 DVG可以限制全长病毒的复制,并且是针对RSV的先天免疫应答的主要天然触发因子(Sun等人,2015; Tapia等人 ,2013)。在这里,我们详细讨论如何准备具有高或低含量的DVG的RSV股票,以及如何从富含缺陷病毒颗粒的RSV原液中纯化含有DVG的缺陷病毒颗粒。这些程序可用于制备实验室研究所需的病毒原液和有缺陷的病毒颗粒。简言之,在HEp2细胞中产生不同的RSV种群,其通常用于在实验室中扩增该病毒。为了产生具有高含量DVG的RSV原液,HEp2细胞用高多重感染(MOI)多次感染,然后使用梯度离心纯化含有DVG的病毒颗粒。这里描述的方法具有四个部分:1.具有低DVG含量(RSV-LD)的种子RSV原种的扩增,2.具有高DVG含量(RSV-HD)的原种的产生,3.通过梯度离心,4.纯化DVG的表征。

Soybean Cyst Nematode, Heterodera glycines, Infection Assay Using Soybean Roots
[Abstract]  Soybean cyst nematode (SCN; Heterodera glycines), an obligate parasite of plants, is the most damaging pathogen of soybean, causing $469 to $818 million in soybean yield losses annually in the United States. However, there are no soybean cultivars available that are resistant to all SCN populations. Therefore, much research is being conducted to develop soybean cultivars resistant to SCN (Matthews et al., 2013; Matthews et al., 2014; Youssef et al., 2013). Here we describe the rearing and harvesting of SCN, as well as how SCN can be assayed by determining ... [摘要]  作为植物的专性寄生虫的大豆胞囊线虫(SCN; Heterodera glycines)是大豆最具破坏性的病原体,在美国每年导致大豆产量损失469至8.18亿美元。 然而,没有可用的对所有SCN群体有抗性的大豆栽培品种。 因此,正在进行大量研究以开发对SCN有抗性的大豆栽培种(Matthews等人,2013; Matthews等人,2014; Youssef et al。 ,2013)。 在这里我们描述饲养和收获的SCN,以及如何SCN可以通过确定女性指数测定。

Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Based Transformation of Soybean Roots to Form Composite Plants
[Abstract]  Transgenic soybean roots of composite plants are a powerful tool to rapidly test the function of genes and activity of gene promoters. No tissue culture is needed, thus avoiding loss of valuable material due to contamination. This is a simple technique that requires less training and care than tissue culture techniques. Furthermore, it takes less time to produce transgenic roots than techniques using sterile tissue culture. If the transgenic roots are to be challenged with a pathogen, there is no need to produce axenic pathogens with this technique, because sterile tissue culture medium is ... [摘要]  复合植物的转基因大豆根是快速测试基因功能和基因启动子活性的有力工具。不需要组织培养,因此避免了由于污染导致的有价值材料的损失。这是一种简单的技术,比组织培养技术需要更少的培训和护理。此外,产生转基因根的时间比使用无菌组织培养的技术要少。如果转基因根将用病原体攻击,则不需要用该技术产生无性病原体,因为不使用无菌组织培养基。因此,不存在其上可能生长污染物的琼脂培养基,导致​​模糊的结果或患病的根。在这里,我们描述使用发根土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium rhizogenes)在7日龄大豆幼苗上生产转基因大豆根。这些复合植物可以在温室中生长用于进一步实验,例如确定基因表达对线虫发育的影响。
