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Dry Sterilizer


公司名称: Braintree Scientific
产品编号: Germinator 500
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Contusion Spinal Cord Injury Rat Model
[Abstract]  Spinal cord injury (SCI) can lead to severe disability, paralysis, neurological deficits and even death. In humans, most spinal cord injuries are caused by transient compression or contusion of the spinal cord associated with motor vehicle accidents. Animal models of contusion mimic the typical SCI’s found in humans and these models are key to the discovery of progressive secondary tissue damage, demyelination, and apoptosis as well as pathophysiological mechanisms post SCI. Here we describe a method for the establishment of an efficient and reproducible contusion model of SCI in adult rat. [摘要]  脊髓损伤(SCI)可导致严重的残疾,麻痹,神经功能障碍甚至死亡。 在人类中,大多数脊髓损伤是由与机动车辆事故相关的脊髓的短暂压迫或挫伤引起的。 痉挛的动物模型模仿人类发现的典型SCI,这些模型是发现继发性继发性组织损伤,脱髓鞘和凋亡以及SCI后的病理生理机制的关键。 这里我们描述了一种在成年大鼠中建立SCI有效和可重复的挫伤模型的方法。
【背景】脊髓在大脑和周围神经之间的互连中起重要作用。严重的SCI导致生理功能丧失甚至瘫痪或死亡(Singh等,2014)。 SCI后,伴随血脊髓屏障破裂的微血管出血随后发生水肿,局部缺血和细胞毒性化学物质从炎症途径的释放(Oyinbo,2011; Mothe和Tator,2012)。继发性神经变性事件如脱髓鞘,Wallerian变性和轴索缺血发生在非允许组织环境中。挫伤是脊髓中的一种钝性损伤,模拟人类的典型SCI,主要是由车辆事故造成的,特别是摩托车。与提供用于评估轴突再生的解剖模型的横断面的尖锐SCI模型相反,挫伤的脊髓是用于研究损伤后病理生理机制的优选微环境(Young,2002)。使用NYU-MASCIS(纽约大学 - ...

Generation of Mammalian Host-adapted Leptospira interrogans by Cultivation in Peritoneal Dialysis Membrane Chamber Implantation in Rats
[Abstract]  Leptospira interrogans can infect a myriad of mammalian hosts, including humans (Bharti et al., 2003; Ko et al., 2009). Following acquisition by a suitable host, leptospires disseminate via the bloodstream to multiple tissues, including the kidneys, where they adhere to and colonize the proximal convoluted renal tubules (Athanazio et al., 2008). Infected hosts shed large number of spirochetes in their urine and the leptospires can survive in different environmental conditions before transmission to another host. Differential gene expression by Leptospira ... [摘要]   钩端螺旋体可以感染大量的哺乳动物宿主,包括人类(Bharti等人,2003; Ko等人,2009)。在通过合适的宿主获得后,钩端螺旋体通过血流传播到多个组织,包括肾脏,在那里它们粘附并定殖在近端的回旋肾小管上(Athanazio等人。 ,2008)。感染的宿主在其尿液中排出大量螺旋体,并且螺旋体可以在传播到另一个宿主之前在不同的环境条件下存活。钩端螺旋体的差异基因表达。允许适应这些新的条件。在这里,我们描述了植入到Sprague-Dawley大鼠的腹膜腔中的透析膜室(DMC)内培养弯曲钩端螺旋体的方案(Caimano等人,2014) 。该技术最初被开发用于研究由莱姆病螺旋体,伯氏疏螺旋体(Embrynia burgdorferi)(Akins等人,1998; Caimano,2005)研究哺乳动物适应。用于该过程的透析膜管的小孔径(8,000MWCO)允许获得宿主营养物,但排除宿主抗体和免疫效应细胞。考虑到DMC和近端回旋肾小管之间的生理和环境相似性,我们推断DMC模型将适合于通过L研究体内基因表达。 interrogans ...
