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公司名称: Wako Pure Chemical Industries
产品编号: 198-01675
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Rapid and Simplified Induction of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells (NSCs/NPCs) and Neurons from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSCs)

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and their progeny displaying tissue-specific characteristics have paved the way for regenerative medicine and research in various fields such as the elucidation of the pathological mechanism of diseases and the discovery of drug candidates. iPSC-derived neurons are particularly valuable as it is difficult to analyze neural cells obtained from the central nervous system in humans. For neuronal induction with iPSCs, one of the commonly used approaches is the isolation and expansion of neural rosettes, following the formation of embryonic bodies

[摘要]  [摘要]人类诱导的多能干细胞(iPSC)及其后代具有组织特异性,为再生医学的研究铺平了道路,并在疾病的病理机制阐明和候选药物的发现等领域进行了研究。iPSC集-来源的神经元是特别有价值的,因为它是难以分析神经细胞获自人类的中枢神经系统。对于用iPSC诱导神经元,最常用的方法之一是在形成胚体(EB)之后分离和扩展神经玫瑰花结。然而,该过程费力,效率低下,并且需要进一步纯化细胞。为了克服这些限制,我们已经开发出一种高效神经诱导方法,该方法允许来自于7天内的iPSC神经干/祖细胞(NSCs / NPC的)的产生和功能的成熟神经元的。我们的方法产生一个PAX6 -阳性同质细胞群中,皮质神经干细胞/ NPC的,和t他所得的NSCs / NPC的可冷冻保存,膨胀,并分化在功能性成熟神经元。此外,我们的协议将比其他方法便宜,因为该协议在神经诱导期间需要较少的神经补充。本文还介绍了FM1 - 43成像测定法中,其是用于所述的iPSC衍生的突触前评估中有用的人类神经元。该协议为生成NSC / NPC和神经元提供了一种快速且简化的方法,使研究人员能够建立体外细胞模型来研究脑部疾病的病理学。

[背景]人类iPSC于2007年通过使用四种转录因子(Oct4,Sox2,Klf4和c-Myc)对皮肤成纤维细胞进行重编程而首次建立,并且表现出与胚胎干细胞(ESCs)相似的特征,包括其多能性和自我-更新(Takahashi等,2007; ...

Purification of a Protein Exhibiting Isoleucine 2-epimerase Activity from Lactobacillus otakiensis JCM 15040
[Abstract]  Prominent accumulation of D-leucine, D-allo-isoleucine and D-valine was observed in the culture medium of the heterofermentative bacterial species, Lactobacillus otakiensis (L. otakiensis) JCM 15040. The racemase enzyme that resulted in this accumulation, isoleucine 2-epimerase, was purified from the bacterial cells. This is the first reported observation of such production of D-branched chain amino acids in lactic acid bacteria, and the first example of a racemase with isoleucine 2-epimerase activity in any organisms. In the described protocol, we introduce methods ... [摘要]  在异质发酵细菌物种,例如otakiensis的乳酸杆菌(Lactobacillus otakiensis)的培养基中观察到D-亮氨酸,D-异亮氨酸 - 异亮氨酸和D-缬氨酸的显着积累。 otakiensis)JCM 15040.从细菌细胞中纯化导致这种积累的消旋酶,异亮氨酸2-差向异构酶。这是首次报道的在乳酸菌中这种D-支链氨基酸的产生的观察结果,以及在任何生物体中具有异亮氨酸2-差向异构酶活性的消旋酶的第一个实例。在所述的方案中,我们介绍从L中纯化该蛋白质的方法。因为没有鉴定到对该酶具有高亲和力的特异性配体,所以使用硫酸铵级分,四种类型的柱层析和制备型Native-PAGE,不使用亲和柱层析进行纯化。我们希望协议将提供有用的信息用于纯化不能容易地使用亲和柱层析纯化的酶。
