In vivo and in vitro 31P-NMR Study of the Phosphate Transport and Polyphosphate Metabolism in Hebeloma cylindrosporum in Response to Plant Roots Signals
[Abstract] We used in vivo and in vitro phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (31P-NMR) spectroscopy to follow the change in transport, compartmentation and metabolism of phosphate in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum in response to root signals originating from host (Pinus pinaster) or non-host (Zea mays) plants. A device was developed for the in vivo studies allowing the circulation of a continuously oxygenated mineral solution in an NMR tube containing the mycelia. The in vitro studies were performed on ...
[摘要] 我们使用体内和体外磷-31核磁共振( 31 P-NMR)光谱来跟踪运输,分区和 外生菌根真菌 Hebeloma cylindrosporum 中的磷酸盐代谢响应来自宿主( Pinus pinaster )或非宿主( Zea mays )的根信号植物。 开发了一种用于体内研究的装置,其允许连续氧化的矿物质溶液在含有菌丝体的NMR管中循环。 在几个连续的处理步骤(在液氮中冷冻;用高氯酸压碎;消除高氯酸;冷冻干燥;在适当的液体培养基中溶解)后,对真菌材料进行体外研究。
【背景】 菌根真菌和植物之间的关联改善了宿主植物的P营养(Smith和Read,2008; Plassard和Dell,2010; Cairney,2011; Smith 等人,,2015)。这种积极效应主要归因于真菌菌丝对磷酸盐(Pi)的吸收,探测了在活跃吸收根周围的耗竭区以外的大量土壤(Smith和Read,2008; Cairney,2011; Smith et al。< em="">,2015)和真菌细胞分泌细胞外磷酸酶(Quiquampoix和Mousain,2005)。吸收的Pi部分地掺入磷酸化的代谢物,磷脂和核酸中,并且部分地浓缩成多磷酸盐(PolyP),其中它们构成液泡中的储存池(Ashford 等人,,1994)。该协议详述了一种装置,该装置允许通过 31 ...
Structural Analysis of Bordetella pertussis Biofilms by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
[Abstract] Biofilms are sessile communities of microbial cells embedded in a self-produced or host-derived exopolymeric matrix. Biofilms can both be beneficial or detrimental depending on the surface. Compared to their planktonic counterparts, biofilm cells display enhanced resistance to killing by environmental threats, chemicals, antimicrobials and host immune defenses. When in biofilms, the microbial cells interact with each other and with the surface to develop architecturally complex multi-dimensional structures. Numerous imaging techniques and tools are currently available for architectural ...
[摘要] 生物膜是嵌入自生或宿主衍生的外聚合物基质中的微生物细胞的固着群落。根据表面,生物膜可以是有益的或有害的。与浮游生物相比,生物膜细胞表现出更强的抗环境威胁,化学物质,抗菌药物和宿主免疫防御能力。当处于生物膜中时,微生物细胞彼此相互作用并与表面相互作用以形成结构复杂的多维结构。目前,许多成像技术和工具可用于生物膜群落的建筑分析。这允许通过获取可以呈现无柄群落的结构特征的三维图像来检查生物膜的发展。经常使用的工具是共聚焦激光扫描显微镜。我们提出了一个详细的协议,以生长,观察和分析呼吸道人类病原体,百日咳博德特氏菌的生物膜在空间和时间。
【背景】百日咳博德特氏菌(Bordetella pertussis)是上呼吸道的专性人类病原体,引起百日咳或百日咳(Mooi,2010; Dorji et al。,2018)。 B的生物膜。百日咳在各种人造表面上以及静态,摇动和流体流动条件下形成(Mishra et al。,2005; Sloan et al。,2007 ; Serra et al。,2011)。对这些生物膜的显微评估表明,这种细菌产生不规则形状的微集落,由流体通道分隔,嵌入由细胞外DNA(eDNA),蛋白质和多糖组成的外聚合物基质中(Parise et al。,2007; Sloan et al。,2007; Serra et al。,2008; ...
A Method for Radioactive Labelling of Hebeloma cylindrosporum to Study Plant-fungus Interactions
[Abstract] In order to quantify P accumulation and P efflux in the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum, we supplied 32P to mycelia previously grown in vitro in liquid medium. The culture had four main steps that are 1) growing the mycelium on complete medium with P, 2) transfer the mycelia into new culture solution with or without P, 3) adding a solution containing 32P and 4) rinsing the mycelia before incubation with or without plant. The main point is to rinse very carefully the mycelia after 32P supply in order to avoid ...
[摘要] 为了量化外生菌根担囊菌真菌Hebeloma cylindrosporum中的P积累和P流出,我们向以前在体外生长的菌液提供了 32 P 中。 培养物有四个主要步骤:1)在具有P的完全培养基上培养菌丝体,2)将菌丝体转移到具有或不具有P的新培养溶液中,3)加入含有32和32的溶液 )在与或不与植物孵育之前冲洗菌丝体。 要点是在 32 P供应之后非常仔细地冲洗菌丝体,以避免过高估计P P。 【背景】众所周知,菌根真菌和植物之间的关联改善了宿主植物的P营养(由Smith和Read,2008; Plassard和Dell,2010; Cairney,2011; Smith等人,2015)。这种积极的作用主要是由于真菌细胞探索远离根部的土壤的磷酸盐(Pi)吸收,允许探索大量的土壤超过主要吸收根部周围形成的耗尽区(Smith and Read,2008; Cairney,2011; Smith ,2015)。然而,为了受益于宿主植物,吸收的Pi必须从探测土壤的真菌细胞转移到与宿主细胞紧密接触的细胞中。在外生菌根共生中,这些交流被认为发生在外生菌根内的“Hartig网”领域(Smith and Read,2008; ...