Enzymatic Assays and Enzyme Histochemistry of Tuta absoluta Feeding on Tomato Leaves
[Abstract] Enzymes play a key role in insect-plant relationships. For a better understanding of these interactions, we analyzed Tuta absoluta digestive enzymes. Here, we describe a detailed protocol for the detection of trypsin and papain-like enzymes in Tuta absoluta larvae by enzyme histochemistry. This assay uses frozen and unfixed samples to avoid the loss of enzymatic activity. We also describe a protocol for the quantification of trypsin and papain-like enzymes in the larvae of Tuta absoluta at different developmental instars.
[摘要] 酶在昆虫植物关系中起着关键作用。 为了更好地理解这些相互作用,我们分析了 Tuta absoluta 消化酶。 在这里,我们描述了通过酶组织化学检测 Tuta absoluta 幼虫中的胰蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶样酶的详细方案。 该测定使用冷冻和未固定的样品以避免酶活性的丧失。 我们还描述了在不同发育期的 Tuta absoluta 幼虫中量化胰蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶样酶的方案。
【背景】植物和昆虫共存了数百万年,并进化出一系列相互作用,影响不同水平的生物。昆虫设法发展不同的生理和形态适应,以克服植物防御机制。因此,更好地了解其重要功能将有助于其有针对性的控制。昆虫的不同生理功能依赖于酶:消化,呼吸,循环,肌肉,神经,生殖和内分泌。几种酶参与消化。蛋白酶如胰蛋白酶,胰凝乳蛋白酶,胃蛋白酶或羧肽酶是蛋白质消化的原因,蛋白质消化是昆虫的氨基酸来源。因此,消化蛋白酶抑制剂已被成功用于提高植物对昆虫的抗性(Smigocki et al。,2013; Quilis et al。,2014; Hamza et al ...
Isolation and Primary Cell Culture of Mouse Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons
[Abstract] We here provide a detailed protocol for the isolation and culture of primary mouse sensory neurons. The cell bodies of sensory afferent pseudounipolar neurons are located in dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) along the vertebral column. Dissected mouse DRGs can be dissociated into single cells by enzymatic digestion to obtain primary cultures of mouse sensory neurons as performed in the studies reported by Khaminets et al. (2015).
[摘要] 我们在这里提供了详细的协议,用于隔离和培养的主要小鼠感觉神经元。 感觉传入假性极化神经元的细胞体位于沿着脊柱的背根神经节(DRG)中。 解离的小鼠DRG可以通过酶消化解离成单个细胞,以获得小鼠感觉神经元的原代培养物,如Khaminets等人(2015)报道的研究中所进行的。
Alcian Blue – Alizarin Red Staining of Mouse Skeleton
[Abstract] Our lab has used the Alcian blue – Alizarin red staining method with certain modifications to characterize skeleton deformities in mice lacking Pek/Perk, encoding a translational control eIF2alpha kinase.
[摘要] 我们的实验室使用阿尔西蓝 - 茜素红染色方法与某些修改,以表征骨骼畸形缺乏Pek/Perk,编码翻译控制eIF2alpha激酶的小鼠。