Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
[Abstract] Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a popular herb with high economic value and is currently threatened by a severe oomycete disease. An efficient transformation method is a prerequisite for gene functional analysis to accelerate molecular breeding and deploy effective disease management strategies, and breeding through genetic engineering. Here we present a detailed protocol for a highly efficient Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation method for sweet basil, which was established based on a previously reported method by other researchers, with modifications on several aspects, ...
[摘要] [摘要]甜罗勒(Ocimum basilicum )是一种流行的草药,具有很高的经济价值,目前正受到严重的卵菌病的威胁。高效的转化方法是基因功能分析加速分子育种和部署有效疾病管理策略以及通过基因工程进行育种的前提。在这里,我们介绍一种高效的根癌农杆菌介导的甜罗勒转化方法的详细协议,该方法是根据其他研究人员先前报道的方法建立的 ,在几个方面进行了修改,包括甜罗勒的生长,用于外植体的植物的年龄,农杆菌的制备和浓度。该方案使学术界和农用工业的研究人员能够以简单,快速和高度可重复的方式生成转基因甜罗勒植物。另外,该协议可适用于转化Ocimum属内的其他物种。
[背景]甜罗勒(Ocimum basilicum )是一种流行的草药,因其显着的药用,烹饪和美容特性而具有很高的经济价值。它的全球生产受到卵菌病原体Peronospora belbahrii引起的严重霜霉病的阻碍。涉及甜罗勒种间杂交的传统育种一直困扰着F1的不育,并且难以分离出不良性状。另一方面,甜罗勒的基因工程为研究分子生物学,拓宽理想性状来源和加快育种过程提供了平台。利用农杆菌介导的稳定转化为甜罗勒建立了高效的CRISPR / Cas9介导的ObDMR1基因定向诱变基因编辑系统(Navet and ...
RNA Stability Measurements Using RT-qPCR in Arabidopsis Seedlings
[Abstract] Steady-state mRNA levels are determined by both the rates of transcription and degradation. Regulation of mRNA stability and/or degradation are key factors that can significantly affect mRNA levels and its biological functions. mRNA stability can be measured indirectly after transcription inhibition. This protocol described a rapid and sensitive method of mRNA stability measurement through quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) after inhibition of RNA transcription by cordycepin in Arabidopsis seedlings.
[摘要] [摘要] 稳态mRNA的水平取决于转录和降解的速率。mRNA稳定性和/或降解的调节是可以显着影响mRNA水平及其生物学功能的关键因素。mRNA的稳定性可以在转录抑制后间接测量。该协议描述了通过拟南芥幼苗中的虫草素抑制RNA转录后,通过定量逆转录PCR(RT-qPCR)进行mRNA稳定性测定的快速灵敏方法。
[背景] mRNA稳定性的调控是基因表达调控的关键控制点。mRNA的稳定性对基因表达,分子和细胞表型,以及最终对植物发育,防御和其他生物过程都具有深远的影响。多种方法,例如RNA印迹分析,原位杂交,可用于测量转录抑制后的mRNA稳定性。在此协议中,我们描述了一种快速灵敏的方法,通过虫草素抑制转录后,通过RT-qPCR测量mRNA的稳定性。虫草素或3'-脱氧腺苷是腺苷类似物(参见参考文献2 )。可以将3'-脱氧腺苷掺入RNA,并由于3'位置不存在羟基部分而抑制转录延伸和RNA合成(参见参考文献6 )。我们已经成功地使用了这种方便而灵敏的方法来测量拟南芥幼苗中几种低丰度mRNA 的稳定性,包括初级microRNA转录本(Jia 等,2017)。在这里,我们用详细的实验程序和数据分析方法介绍该协议。
Transient Gene Expression for the Characteristic Signal Sequences and the Estimation of the Localization of Target Protein in Plant Cell
[Abstract] We have proposed and tested a method for characterization of the signal sequences and determinations of target protein localization in a plant cell. This method, called the AgI-PrI, implies extraction of protoplasts from plant tissues after agroinfiltration. The suggested approach combines the advantages of two widely used methods for transient gene expression in plants–agroinfiltration and transfection of isolated protoplasts. The AgI-PrI technic can be applied to other plant species.
[摘要] 我们已经提出并测试了用于表征信号序列和确定植物细胞中目标蛋白质定位的方法。 这种称为AgI-PrI的方法意味着在农杆菌浸润后从植物组织中提取原生质体。 所提出的方法结合了两种广泛使用的用于植物中瞬时基因表达的方法的优点 - 农杆菌浸润和转分离的原生质体。 AgI-PrI技术可应用于其他植物物种。