SDS-PAGE for Silk Fibroin Protein
[Abstract] The method and detailed procedure of SDS-PAGE for silk proteins are exactly the same as for other proteins, but the electrophoresis profile of silk protein is often unsatisfactory. The main reason is that their molecular masses are too large, and the regenerated liquid silk is easily coagulated and denatured, resulting in a significant adverse effect on normal electrophoresis. A satisfactory SDS-PAGE profile for silk protein can be obtained by rapidly loading samples, reducing time and temperature when mixing the sample with the loading dye.
[摘要] 丝蛋白的SDS-PAGE方法和详细步骤与其他蛋白质完全相同,但丝蛋白的电泳图谱往往不能令人满意。 主要原因是它们的分子量太大,再生的液体丝很容易凝固和变性,导致对正常电泳的显着不利影响。 通过快速加载样品,在将样品与上样染料混合时减少时间和温度,可以获得令人满意的丝蛋白SDS-PAGE图谱。
丝蛋白是丝素蛋白和丝胶蛋白的总称。由成熟的家蚕幼虫纺成的两条平行单丝由65%-75%的丝心蛋白,20%-30%的丝胶蛋白和5%的蜡,色素,糖和其他杂质组成。丝素蛋白是一种结晶聚合物基纤维,被几层胶质蛋白包围。丝胶蛋白的最外层易溶于热水或沸水中。最接近丝心蛋白纤维的最内层丝胶蛋白几乎不溶于沸水(Wang和Zhang,2011)。所有分层的丝胶蛋白都易于溶解在碱性热水或沸水中。因此,在实验室中最常使用0.1%-0.5%Na ...
Expression and Purification of Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock Protein KaiC and Determination of Its Auto-phosphatase Activity
[Abstract] Circadian rhythms are biological processes displaying an endogenous oscillation with a period of ~24 h. They allow organisms to anticipate and get prepared for the environmental changes caused mainly by the rotation of Earth. Circadian rhythms are driven by circadian clocks that consist of proteins, DNA, and/or RNA. Circadian clocks of cyanobacteria are the simplest and one of the best studied models. They contain the three clock proteins KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC which can be used for in vitro reconstitution experiments and determination of the auto-phosphatase activity of KaiC as ...
[摘要] 昼夜节律是显示内源性振荡的生物过程,周期为〜24小时。它们允许生物体预期并准备好主要由地球旋转引起的环境变化。昼夜节律由由蛋白质,DNA和/或RNA组成的昼夜节律钟驱动。蓝藻的昼夜节律时钟是最简单的研究模型之一。它们含有三种时钟蛋白质KaiA,KaiB和KaiC,其可用于体外重组实验和本方案所述的KaiC的自磷酸酶活性的测定。
背景 行星地球的旋转导致〜24小时的昼夜振荡。为了适应并有效地利用环境的这种节奏变化,大多数(如果不是全部)生物体具有约24小时的内源性活动节律,这被称为昼夜节律。昼夜节律为这些生物提供进化优势。昼夜节律的长期破坏是非常有害的(Ma et al。,2013)。在人类中,包括癌症,高血压和睡眠障碍在内的许多疾病与昼夜节律紊乱密切相关(Shi等人,2013; Roenneberg和Merrow,2016)。  昼夜节律由称为昼夜节律钟的内生节律发生器控制。功能性昼夜节律钟具有三个功能:接受环境信息,将环境提示转变为振荡信号,并将这些信号转发到下游调制器(Pattanayak和Rust,2014)。蓝细菌是具有良好研究的昼夜节律钟的最简单的生物体,其中振荡发生器由三种蛋白质控制:KaiA,KaiB和KaiC(Mackey等人,2011; Johnson& et al。 ...
Isolation of Genomic DNA from Mycobacterium Species
[Abstract] Isolation of genomic DNA from Mycobacterium species has been a tedious procedure. This can primarily be attributed to thick and waxy cell wall of mycobacteria which hampers lysis of the bacterial cell. We have tested various approaches to isolate mycobacterial DNA and based on this, an optimized protocol is presented here. This protocol involves initial incubation of mycobacteria with lysozyme, followed by SDS-proteinase K treatment to bring about cell disruption. In the case of slowly growing mycobacteria such as BCG (Bacillus Calmette–Guérin) or Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. ...
[摘要] 从分枝杆菌物种分离基因组DNA是一个冗长的过程。 这主要归因于分枝杆菌的厚的和蜡状的细胞壁,其阻碍细菌细胞的裂解。 我们已经测试了各种方法来分离分枝杆菌DNA,并基于此,这里介绍了一个优化的协议。 该方案包括分枝杆菌与溶菌酶的初始孵育,随后是SDS-蛋白酶K处理以引起细胞破裂。 在缓慢生长分枝杆菌如BCG(卡介苗)或结核分枝杆菌(<结核杆菌)的情况下,通过物理方法的细胞裂解的中间步骤导致 显着增加产量。
显着增加产量。="">结核杆菌)的情况下,通过物理方法的细胞裂解的中间步骤导致 显着增加产量。