Total RNA Extraction from Dinoflagellate Symbiodinium Cells
[Abstract] Dinoflagellates are unicellular algae that can have photosynthetic or nonphotosynthetic lifestyles. Dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium can enter endosymbiotic associations with corals, providing the metabolic basis for the highly productive and biologically diverse coral-reef ecosystems (Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999), as well as with other cnidarians, including sea anemones and jellyfish, and non-cnidarian hosts (Trench, 1993; Lobban et al., 2002; Mordret et al., 2016).
Here, I describe a protocol for isolating total RNA from Symbiodinium cells.
[摘要] 鞭毛藻是单细胞藻类,可以有光合或非光合生活方式。 Symbiodinium属中的甲藻类可以与珊瑚进入内共生关系,为高生产力和生物多样性珊瑚礁生态系统提供代谢基础(Hoegh-Guldberg,1999),以及其他的cnidarians,包括 海葵和海蜇,以及非刺猬寄主(Trench,1993; Lobban等人,2002; Mordret等人,2016)。
TUNEL Assay to Assess Extent of DNA Fragmentation and Programmed Cell Death in Root Cells under Various Stress Conditions
[Abstract] DNA damage is one of the common consequences of exposure to various stress conditions. Different methods have been developed to accurately assess DNA damage and fragmentation in cells and tissues exposed to different stress agents. However, owing to the presence of firm cellulosic cell wall and phenolics, plant cells and tissues are not easily amenable to be subjected to these assays. Here, we describe an optimized TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling) assay-based protocol to determine the extent of DNA fragmentation and programmed cell death in plant ...
[摘要] DNA损伤是暴露于各种压力条件的常见后果之一。 已经开发了不同的方法来准确评估暴露于不同应激剂的细胞和组织中的DNA损伤和碎裂。 然而,由于纤维素细胞壁和酚类物质的存在,植物细胞和组织不容易进行这些测定。 在这里,我们描述了优化的TUNEL(末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶介导的dUTP切口标记)测定方法,以确定经受各种应激条件的植物根细胞中DNA片段化和程序性细胞死亡的程度。 这里描述的方法具有简单,可靠和重复性好的优点。 【背景】暴露于各种压力通常导致至少一定程度的DNA损伤,导致各种损伤,例如胸腺嘧啶二聚化,碱基烷基化,单链缺口和双链断裂(Bray和West,2005; Manova和Gruszka,2015)。在所有类型的DNA损伤中,DNA片段化在应激条件下特别令人关注,这可能是应激的直接影响(如用基因毒素治疗方法所观察到的)或间接作用(主要是通过过度产生的活性氧),甚至可能是两者的累积结果(Bray和West,2005; Kapoor等,2015)。这种DNA损伤必须由细胞的修复机械精确修复,否则可能会导致细胞死亡。为了维持正常状态,细胞利用依赖于三个非排他事件的DNA损伤反应。检测/识别损坏,其通过维修机械的访问,最后修复(Smerdon,1991)。 在细胞水平上应力适应的主要分子机制之一涉及对由于应激引起的受损DNA的DNA损伤和/或有效修复的抗性。因此,为了评估基因型的应激适应性,通常需要对DNA损伤进行准确评估。两种广泛用于检测植物DNA断裂的测定法是单细胞凝胶电泳 ...
In vitro AMPylation Assays Using Purified, Recombinant Proteins
[Abstract] Post-translational protein modifications (PTMs) orchestrate the activity of individual proteins and ensure their proper function. While modifications such as phosphorylation or glycosylation are well understood, more unusual modifications, including nitrosylation or AMPylation remain comparatively poorly characterized. Research on protein AMPylation–which refers to the covalent addition of an AMP moiety to the side chains of serine, threonine or tyrosine–has undergone a renaissance (Yarbrough et al., 2009; Engel et al., 2012; Ham et al., 2014; Woolery et al., ...
[摘要] 翻译后蛋白质修饰(PTM)协调各种蛋白质的活性并确保其功能正常。虽然诸如磷酸化或糖基化的修饰被很好地理解,但是更不寻常的修饰,包括亚硝基化或AMP化仍然比较差的表征。关于蛋白质AMP化的研究 - 其是将AMP部分共价加成到丝氨酸,苏氨酸或酪氨酸的侧链,已经经历了复兴(Yarbrough et al。,2009; Engel et al。 2012年; Ham等人,2014年; Woolery等人,2014年; Preissler等人,2015年; ; Sanyal等人,2015; Truttmann等人,2016; Truttmann等人,2017)。鉴定和表征含丝状(fic)结构域的AMPylases引起了对该PTM的新兴趣(Kinch等人,2009; Yarbrough等人,2009)。基于最近的体内和体外研究,我们现在知道分泌的细菌AMPylase共价连接AMP到Rho家族GTP酶的成员,而后生动物AMPylases修饰HSP70家族蛋白在细胞质和内质网(ER)(Itzen等人,2011; Hedberg和Itzen,2015; Truttmann和Ploegh,2017)。认为AMP化学将HSP70置于不能参与蛋白质重折叠反应的引发剂但瞬时失活的状态(Preissler等人,2015)。 ...