Assessing Classical Olfactory Fear Conditioning by Behavioral Freezing in Mice
[Abstract] Classical fear conditioning typically involves pairing a discrete cue with a foot shock. Quantifying behavioral freezing to the learned cue is a crucial assay for neuroscience studies focused on learning and memory. Many paradigms utilize discrete stimuli such as tones; however, given mice are odor-driven animals and the wide variety of odorants commercially available, using odors as conditioned stimuli presents advantages for studies involving learning. Here, we describe detailed procedures for assembling systems for presenting discrete odor cues during single-day fear conditioning and ...
[摘要] 经典的恐惧条件反射通常涉及将离散的线索与脚部震动配对。 量化对学习线索的行为冻结是针对学习和记忆的神经科学研究的关键分析。 许多范例利用诸如音调之类的离散刺激; 然而,鉴于小鼠是气味驱动的动物和商业上可获得的各种气味剂,使用气味作为条件刺激对于涉及学习的研究具有优势。 在这里,我们描述了用于组装系统的详细程序,该系统用于在单日恐惧条件反射期间呈现离散的气味线索并随后分析冷冻行为以评估学习。
【背景】联想恐惧学习是几种焦虑症的根源,涉及将中性刺激与厌恶结果配对。这种配对产生强烈的行为恐惧反应,以冷冻(LeDoux,2003)的形式,对条件刺激,可以量化为恐惧学习和记忆的量度。离散刺激,如音调,通常被用作恐惧条件反射的条件刺激;然而,嗅觉提示在诱导学习冷冻方面也非常有效(Pavesi et al。,2012; Ross and Fletcher,2018)。这种联想恐惧学习方法不同于利用捕食者气味的方法,这种方法产生本能行为而非学习行为,使其成为快速评估嗅觉学习的理想选择。行为冻结,定义为缺乏所有自愿运动(Blanchard和Blanchard,1969; ...
Shock-probe Defensive Burying Test to Measure Active versus Passive Coping Style in Response to an Aversive Stimulus in Rats
[Abstract] Maladaptive avoidance behaviors are seen in many stress-related psychiatric illnesses. Patients with these illnesses favor passive, avoidant coping strategies rather than adaptive, active coping strategies. Preclinically, coping strategy can be measured in rats using the shock-probe defensive burying test, wherein rats receive a shock from an electrified probe inserted into a test cage that mimics their home cage environment, and behavioral output (immobility or burying) is recorded for 15 min following the shock. Immobility in response to the perceived threat of the shock-probe, associated ...
[摘要] 在许多与压力有关的精神疾病中可以看到适应不良的回避行为。患有这些疾病的患者倾向于被动的,回避性的应对策略而不是适应性的,积极的应对策略。临床前,可以使用休克 - 探针防御性掩埋测试在大鼠中测量应对策略,其中大鼠接受来自插入模拟其家笼环境的测试笼中的带电探针的电击,并记录行为输出(不动或埋葬)震惊后15分钟。与应激激素水平升高相关的休克探测威胁的不动性被认为是一种被动的,适应不良的应对策略。相反,掩埋探针与较低的应激激素水平相关,被认为是一种积极的,适应性的应对方式。在大鼠中,慢性应激导致在该测试中从活动应变到被动应对(即,按比例减少埋葬和更多不动),模拟许多与压力相关的精神疾病中出现的回避症状。压力引起的应对方式的变化和对休克探针的总体行为反应性提供了一种独特且经过充分验证的测量方法,不仅可以表现出类似焦虑的行为反应,还可以测量大鼠精神疾病模型中的应对策略选择。
【背景】除了“战斗,逃跑或冻结”反应之外,据报告,大鼠在1950年对Hudson的厌恶刺激做出了特定的防御行为,被称为“防御性掩埋”。这种掩埋行为被确定为啮齿动物(包括老鼠,小鼠,仓鼠和地松鼠)对其洞穴中的威胁的先天反应(参见De ...
Sensitive Assessment of Hippocampal Learning Using Temporally Dissociated Passive Avoidance Task
[Abstract] The temporally dissociated passive avoidance (TDPA) paradigm is a variant of passive avoidance testing, and allows for more sensitive investigation of mild impairments in avoidance learning. Passive avoidance learning measures the latency to enter a “dark” context in which an aversive stimulus (foot shock) has been previously experienced using a light-dark box paradigm. Briefly, the animal is placed into the light side of the box and the time spent to cross into the dark side is measured. After entry into the dark chamber, the animal receives a mild (0.4-1.6 mA) footshock and is removed from ...
[摘要] 时间分离的被动回避(TDPA)模式是被动回避测试的一个变体,允许对避免学习中的轻度损伤进行更敏感的调查。被动回避学习衡量潜伏期进入“黑暗”环境,在此背景下,使用暗黑盒子模式曾经使用过厌恶刺激(足震)。简而言之,将动物放置在盒子的光侧,并测量穿过黑暗面的时间。进入暗室后,动物接受轻度(0.4-1.6毫安)的脚蹬,并从箱子中取出。经过一段时间,通常为24小时(注意,这完全取决于是否测量各种记忆保留水平,例如短时间或长时间),将动物放回盒子中,并测量交叉潜伏期。被动避免在一次试用后被学习,并导致交叉延迟强劲增加。这种行为需要通常中性环境和厌恶刺激之间的关联,并且依赖于海马功能(Stubley-Weatherly等人,1996; Impey等人,1998)。 TDPA通过多次每日一次的试验来扩展这种学习,产生更分级和可延展的延迟评分,从而允许对海马功能变化进行更敏感的评估任务依赖于完整的海马(Zhang et al。,2008)和海马基因表达的微妙变化可导致TDPA潜伏期评分的强烈改变(Eagle et al。,2015)。我们在这里描述一种常用的评估小鼠TDPA学习的方法。