EAE Induction by Passive Transfer of MOG-specific CD4+ T Cells
[Abstract] Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS), which is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS). It is characterized by focal demyelination and inflammatory responses mediated by myelin-specific autoreactive CD4+ T cells. Using a passive transfer model of EAE in mice, we have demonstrated that regional specific neural signals by sensory-sympathetic communications create gateways for immune cells at specific blood vessels of the CNS, a phenomenon known as the gateway reflex (Arima et al., 2012; ...
[摘要] 实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎(EAE)是多发性硬化症(MS)的动物模型,其是中枢神经系统(CNS)的慢性炎性疾病。其特征在于由髓磷脂特异性自身反应性CD4 + T细胞介导的局灶性脱髓鞘和炎症反应。在小鼠中使用EAE的被动转移模型,我们已经证明,通过感觉交感通信的区域特异性神经信号在CNS的特定血管上产生免疫细胞的网关,这被称为网关反射(Arima等, ,2012; Tracey,2012; Arima等人,2013; Sabharwal等人,2014; Arima等人。 >,2015b)。在这里,我们描述了使用新鲜分离的(MOG)特异性CD4 + T细胞或周期性再刺激的MOG特异性CD4 + T细胞系的EAE的被动转移模型的方案,其是适用于体内追踪致病性CD4 T细胞,特别是CNS(Ogura等人,2008; Arima等人) 。,2012和2015b)。 【背景】广泛接受的是,自身反应性CD4 + T细胞在MS和EAE的发病机理中起重要作用(Reboldi,2009; International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics,et al。,2011; Steinman,2014),它们是CNS的慢性炎性疾病。 ...
Plasma Membrane Preparation from Lilium davidii and Oryza sativa Mature and Germinated Pollen
[Abstract] Pollen germination is an excellent process to study cell polarity establishment. During this process, the tip-growing pollen tube will start elongating. The plasma membrane as the selectively permeable barrier that separates the inner and outer cell environment plays crucial roles in this process. This protocol described an efficient aqueous polymer two-phase system followed by alkaline solution washing to prepare Lilium davidii or Oryza sativa plasma membrane with high purity.
[摘要] 花粉萌发是研究细胞极性的一个很好的过程。在此过程中,尖端生长的花粉管将开始延长。作为分离内外细胞环境的选择性渗透屏障的质膜在该过程中起关键作用。该方案描述了一种有效的含水聚合物两相体系,接着进行碱性溶液洗涤以制备高纯度的百合百合或水稻质膜。
背景 花粉质膜包含对花粉管生长和受精至关重要的各种蛋白质,例如受体样激酶(Wang等人,2016)和离子通道(Hamilton等人, em>,2015)。分离纯质膜(PM)是综合PM蛋白质组分析的前提。 PM制备主要有四种方法:差速离心,密度梯度离心,制备型自由流动电泳和含水聚合物两相体系。通常,差速离心通常与密度梯度离心合并,以根据其大小,形状和密度分离亚细胞组分。这种技术是快速的,但是由于细胞器密度的重叠,所得的PM产率和纯度都很低(Schindler和Nothwang,2006)。自由流动电泳和水性聚合物两相系统根据其表面性质分离膜囊泡。这两种方法可以富集PM足够纯化蛋白质组学分析(Alexandersson等人,2007)。然而,用于自由流动电泳的仪器操作复杂(Sandelius等人,1986)。相比之下,通过离心可以容易且快速地进行含水聚合物两相体系,使得该方法对PM制备更方便。 ...
Isolation of Mononuclear Cell Populations from Ovarian Carcinoma Ascites
[Abstract] Ovarian cancer is one of the most fatal tumors in women. Due to a lack of symptoms and adequate screening methods, patients are diagnosed at advanced stages with extensive tumor burden (Jelovac and Armstrong, 2011). Interestingly, ovarian cancer metastasis is generally found within the peritoneal cavity rather than other tissues (Lengyel, 2010; Tan et al., 2006). The reason behind this tissue tropism of the peritoneal cavity remains elusive. A prominent feature of this selectivity is ascites, the accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity, containing, amongst others, immune ...
[摘要] 卵巢癌是女性最致命的肿瘤之一。由于缺乏症状和适当的筛查方法,患者被诊断为具有广泛肿瘤负担的晚期阶段(Jelovac和Armstrong,2011)。有趣的是,卵巢癌转移通常发生在腹腔内,而不是其他组织(Lengyel,2010; Tan等人,2006)。腹膜腔组织向性背后的原因仍然难以捉摸。这种选择性的一个突出特征是腹水,腹膜内的液体积累,其中包含免疫细胞,肿瘤细胞和可参与卵巢癌进展的各种可溶性因子(Kipps等,。,2013)。这里描述的方案用于从腹水中分离单核细胞以研究腹膜腔内免疫系统的功能。
使用Lymphoprep 的梯度离心是分离外周血单核细胞(PBMC)的标准方案。我们稍微调整了方案,关于样品制备和洗涤步骤的数量,以便从腹水中分离单核细胞。