[Abstract] Determination of a gene expression in guard cells is essential for studying stomatal movements. GUS staining is one means of detecting the localization of a gene expression in guard cells. If a gene is specially expressed in guard cells, the whole cotyledons or rosette leaf can be used for GUS staining. However, if a gene is expressed in both mesophyll and guard cells, it is hard to exhibit a clear expression of the gene in guard cells by a GUS staining image from leaf. To gain a clear guard cell GUS image of small G protein ROP7, a gene expressed in both mesophyll and guard cells, ...
[摘要] 保卫细胞中基因表达的测定对于研究气孔运动至关重要。 GUS染色是检测保卫细胞中基因表达定位的一种手段。如果在保卫细胞中特异性表达基因,则可以将整个子叶或玫瑰花叶用于GUS染色。然而,如果在叶肉和保卫细胞中表达基因,则难以通过来自叶的GUS染色图像在保护细胞中表达该基因的清楚表达。为了获得清晰的保护细胞GUS图像的小G蛋白ROP7 ,一种在叶肉和保卫细胞中表达的基因,我们从3-4周龄的植物的叶片剥离表皮条。去除叶肉细胞后,将表皮条用于GUS染色。我们比较了来自表皮条或小G蛋白ROP7和/或RopGEF4的叶片的GUS染色图像,其是在保卫细胞中特异性表达的基因,并且发现提供了表皮条带的GUS染色显示在叶肉和保卫细胞中表达的基因的保卫细胞表达的良好方法。该方案适用于在拟南芥保卫细胞中表达的任何基因,或表皮条可以容易地从叶上剥离的其它植物。 【背景】气孔运动调节植物和环境之间的气体交换,因此,重要的是揭示气孔的开启或关闭的机制。确定基因的保卫细胞表达对于研究其在气孔运动中的作用至关重要。鉴定基因在保卫细胞中的表达有几种方法。一种方法是通过RT-PCR(Jeon等人,2008; Takimiya等人,2013)检查保卫细胞中基因的RNA表达。为此,需要分离叶肉和保卫细胞的原生质体。另一种方法是检查表达由基因天然启动子驱动的GUS的转基因植物的保卫细胞中的GUS ...
[Abstract] Detection of senescent cells using a cytochemical assay was first described in 1995 (Dimri et al., 1995). The identification of senescent cells is based on an increased level of lysosomal β-galactosidase activity (Kurz et al., 2000). Cells under normal growth condition produce acid lysosomal β- galactosidase, which is localized in the lysosome. The enzymatic activity can be detected at the optimal pH 4.0, using the chromogenic substrate 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl β D-galactopyranoside (X-gal) (Miller, 1972). In comparison, upon senescence, the lysosomal mass is increased, ...
[摘要] Detection of senescent cells using a cytochemical assay was first described in 1995 (Dimri et al., 1995). The identification of senescent cells is based on an increased level of lysosomal β-galactosidase activity (Kurz et al., 2000). Cells under normal growth condition produce acid lysosomal β- galactosidase, which is localized in the lysosome. The enzymatic activity can be detected at the optimal pH 4.0, using the chromogenic substrate 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl β D-galactopyranoside (X-gal) (Miller, 1972). In comparison, upon senescence, the lysosomal mass is increased, leading to ...